Le site d’orpaillage de Minkébé a été le lieu d’évènements ayant provoqué le tollé au sujet des conditions de rapatriement des immigrés clandestins qui y travaillaient. Après le communiqué du ministre gabonais de la Défense nationale qui établi la version officielle des faits, le conseil des ministres, tenu le 14 juin à Libreville, a également assuré que cette opération s’est déroulée «dans le respect des droits de l’Homme». Le gouvernement verrait même d’un bon œil la mise en place d’une enquête internationale sur cette question. Que s’est-il donc passé à Minkébé et en quoi consistait le tollé de la presse camerounaise ?
Contrairement à ce qui a été dit et écrit au sujet de l’intervention de l’armée gabonaise sur le site d’orpaillage de Minkébé dans la province de l’Ogooué-Ivindo (Nord-est), le ministre gabonais de la Défense nationale, Pacôme Ruffin Ondzounga assure, dans un communiqué publié durant le week-end écoulé et publié par les médias de service public, le 14 juin, que «l’évacuation de Minkébé s’est déroulée dans des conditions humanitaires plus que satisfaisantes.»
Le communiqué explique que, sur instruction du ministre de la Défense, une mission conduite par le chef d’Etat-major général des armées s’est rendu, le lundi 30 mai, sur le site de Minkébé pour s’entretenir avec les responsables des communautés vivant sur ledit site en vue de leur annoncer «l’arrêt total des activités (…) fixé au mardi 31 mai 2011 à 16 heures, délais de rigueur.» Les premiers départs, selon le même communiqué, ont été enregistrés le mercredi 1er juin, «par la rivière en direction de Mayebout, étape intermédiaire avant Makokou, et d’autre part par la piste de Djoum, en direction du Cameroun voisin…» Le lendemain, le site de Minkébé était fermé pour tout le monde «en dehors des militaires qui y ont pris leur quartier pour veiller à la sécurité du site.
«Aucun acte de violence, aucune exaction n’ont été commis sur les expulsés. Chaque individu a pu choisir ce qu’il emportait avec lui, avant de quitter sa case. En définitive aucun incident, fut-il mineur n’a été déploré. Face aux allégations tendancieuses de certains médias, le ministère de la Défense nationale tient à opposer un démenti formel aux informations diffusées qui ne reflète en aucun cas la réalité», précise le même communiqué.
Si le ministre de la Défense mentionne dans son communiqué que «4700 autres personnes se répartissant en 14 nationalités» ont été reconduits hors des frontières du Gabon par la piste de Djoum en direction du Cameroun, les autorités de ce pays, relayées par sa presse, établissent à près de 3000, le nombre de personnes délogées, réparties en 11 nationalités diverses.
Consternation et action humanitaire camerounaises
La presse camerounaise établi que ces personnes ont été délogées, manu militari, du site d’orpaillage de Minkébé qui a été concédée à une société occidentale. Ces orpailleurs ont été pourchassés par des «bérets rouges gabonais» qui ont pris le site d’assaut, à bord d’hélicoptères et se sont livrés à des actes d’une violence inouïe, a-t-il été écrit.
La presse camerounaise, qui cite le sous-préfet de Djoum, Jean Lazare Ndongo Ndongo, fait état de quatre morts au moins (dont deux Camerounais), consécutifs à des tortures, des noyades dans un grand cours d’eau ou d’épuisement à la suite d’une longue marche de près de 200 km à pied dans la forêt pour échapper à la furia de la soldatesque gabonaise.
«Parmi les victimes, un jeune homme de 30 ans nommé Laurent Menyengue et un bébé né dans des conditions difficiles en pleine forêt sur le chemin de Djoum. Les bourreaux du jeune camerounais lui ont par ailleurs dessiné la carte du Cameroun sur le dos à l'aide d'un poignard, indique notre source», lisait-on le 13 juin sur le site Internet du quotidien Camerounais "Mutations".
Trois Camerounais et un Nigérien sont actuellement en observation à l'hôpital de district de Djoum, selon un rapport fait aux autorités camerounaises qui mentionne une centaine de blessés. Le Premier ministre camerounais, Philemon Yang, a donné instruction, le 9 juin dernier, à son ministre d'Etat, en charge de l'Administration territoriale et de la Décentralisation, Marafa Hamidou Yaya, de commettre une mission dirigée par le gouverneur de la Région du Sud et de lui faire parvenir de toutes urgence un rapport circonstancié de situation.
Dans le district de Djoum, un comité de crise a procédé au recensement, hébergement, visites médicales, nutrition et acheminement des refoulés vers leurs villages et représentations diplomatiques. Les premiers rapports établis au Cameroun font état de 2 292 refoulés recensés, 1 517 Camerounais, 362 Nigériens, 269 Maliens, 7 Guinéens (Guinée - Conakry), 1 Béninois, 22 Ivoiriens, 80 Burkinabés, 2 Tchadiens, 5 Centrafricains, 19 Sénégalais, 1 Ghanéen. Environ 600 refoulés ont évité les points aménagés pour leur accueil, selon les informations glanées sur de nombreux sites d’information du Cameroun et de bien d’autres pays africains.
Orpailleurs Gabonais dans la dispersion
S’ils ne sont pas aussi alarmistes que les écrits et témoignages recueillis par les médias camerounais, certains Gabonais également expulsés de Minkébé confirment une expulsion pour le moins surprenante et démentent quelque peu les «conditions humanitaires plus que satisfaisantes» indiquées par le ministre de la Défense nationale.
Ouvrier orpailleur pendant 9 ans à Minkébé, Jean-Claude B., joint au téléphone, raconte avec le cycle du langage qui est le sien : «Les bérets noirs étaient d’abord venus nous voir pour nous déloger. Mais ils nous ont dit qu’on devait nous déloger à partir de septembre. Après, nous avons aussi reçu la visite du ministre. Il était venu avec les gens de la société qu’on appelle SISED. Il nous a aussi donné ce délai de septembre. Et maintenant les bérets rouges sont arrivés avec le général. Avec eux il n’y avait pas de délais. C’est comme ça qu’on nous a délogés rapidement. Ils nous ont demandé de fermer les maisons avec nos effets. Donc, nous avons tout laissé à Minkébé et jusqu’alors nous attendons la position que le gouvernement prendra par rapport à notre situation. Nos effets sont restés, nous sommes partis de là-bas sans argent et maintenant nous trainons tous à Makokou.»
Interrogé sur une éventuelle bastonnade d’orpailleurs étrangers, Jean-Claude B. précise, visiblement irrité : «La moitié a été bastonnée. Moi, je ne peux pas dire non. Parce que la façon avec laquelle on nous a rapatrié, c’était fort. On nous a fait monter avec la force sur les pirogues. Les Camerounais, eux, ils partaient par la route où ils sont rentrés au Gabon. D’autres partants étaient malades et la distance était longue. Nous, les Gabonais, même si on n’a pas été torturés, la façon de nous rapatrier était très bizarre. Maintenant le camp est resté rien qu’avec eux. Les effets sont restés dans les maisons. Le camp était très grand, je n’ai pas tout vu. La bastonnade était au niveau de ceux qui faisaient le désordre.»
Plus nerveux, un autre témoin, Médard B. E. qui travaillait à Minkébé depuis 2006, raconte : «Je ne peux pas vous cacher, on était à Minkébé et on a été surpris de voir l’armée nous menacer et nous faire partir de cette façon. Ils étaient violents et on a abandonné tout à Minkébé. C’est la violence qui nous a fait partir de Minkébé. Ils demandaient à chacun sa nationalité et ils ont commencé à frapper les Camerounais. Ils ont aussi frappé des Gabonais qui leur répondaient mal. Je confirme qu’il y a eu des blessés mais je n’ai pas vu de mort et je ne peux pas dire ce que je n’ai pas vu.»
Le Gabon favorable à une enquête internationale
Réuni le 14 juin à Libreville, le conseil des ministres est revenu sur la situation du parc de Minkébé, «caractérisé par l’exploitation illégale de nos gisements d’or, par des personnes vivant en situation irrégulière, qui se sont illustrés en outre, par des actes de braconnage», précise le communiqué final de la réunion.
A cet effet, le conseil des ministres, «qui prend l’opinion nationale et internationale à témoin, indique que les ressortissants des pays amis ayant posé ces actes qui vont à l’encontre de la sécurité nationale, auraient dû faire l’objet de poursuites judiciaires tout comme les nationaux. Cependant, ils été simplement reconduits aux frontières, dans le respect des droits de l’Homme», poursuit le communiqué.
Contrairement aux dires des intéressés, conclu le conseil des ministres, «il n’y a eu ni torture, ni mort d’hommes. Sur cette question, le conseil des ministres n’est pas opposé à ce qu’une enquête internationale soit diligentée sur le déroulement des faits», conclu le conseil des ministres. Le gouvernement gabonais a-t-il reçu un rapport tronqué de l’opération d’évacuation ou les expatriés arrivés au Cameroun ont-ils donné une version hyperbolique de leur évacuation ?
Publié le 15-06-2011 Source : Gaboneco.com Auteur : Gaboneco
Pacific Colours
Brings News From The Extremities Of The World
Friday, 17 June 2011
Gabon : Mort d’hommes dans les cachots de Bitam
La ville de Bitam dans le Nord du Gabon, s’est réveillée le 16 juin avec des rumeurs faisant état de près d’une dizaine de morts dans les cachots de la brigade locale de gendarmerie. Ce qui a battu le rappel du maire, du préfet et du procureur de la République venu d’Oyem, et généré une marche de protestation de la communauté Ouest-africaine de la ville. Le bilan non officiel fait état de trois morts.
Trois personnes sont décédées à Bitam, ville septentrionale de la province du Woleu-Ntem, entre la nuit d’hier et ce jeudi 16 juin 2011, selon des sources concordantes dignes de foi. Dans la matinée, une rumeur s’est répandue faisant état de six ou sept morts et causant aussi bien l’émoi que les commentaires les plus saugrenus dans la ville.
Une source journalistique de la ville indique que suite à un contrôle de routine opéré, il y a trois jours, par la gendarmerie locale, 23 expatriés ont été interpellés pour défaut d’identité. On y dénombrait 19 Maliens, 6 Burkinabè et un Guinéen. Tous ont été entassés dans une cellule que l’on dit être de 5,5 m2.
Selon le journaliste local joint au téléphone, ces personnes étaient «privées d’eau et de nourriture. Ce qui a conduit à leur déshydratation. Les gendarmes de garde n’ont pas tenu compte du martèlement d’alerte auquel ces détenus préventifs se sont livrés durant de longs moments. La situation s’est empirée et a conduit au décès, en cellule, de l’un d’entre eux dont la nationalité n’a pas été communiquée.»
Face à cette situation, les cellules ont été ouvertes et une partie de ces prisonniers temporaires a été conduite dans la nuit, plus précisément à 5h30, au centre médical de Bitam, selon des sources concordantes. «A son arrivée, le médecin a constaté de la diarrhée auprès de certains et de la déshydratation et asthénie, pour les autres», raconte le journaliste local avant d’ajouter : «Deux autres de ces personnes sont décédées dans la journée au centre médical tandis que les autres ont été gardées en observation.»
Le maire de la ville et le préfet de la localité avaient fait le déplacement du centre hospitalier de Bitam ainsi que le Procureur de la République, venu d’Oyem, chef-lieu de la province, pour s’enquérir de la situation.
La nouvelle de ces décès a provoqué une colère sans précédent des ressortissants Ouest-africains de Bitam. Quelques centaines d'entre eux ont organisé spontanément une marche de protestation en direction de la brigade où leurs "frères" ont trouvé la mort. «Nous voulons la vérité», scandaient-ils comme s'ils soupçonnaient les autorités de vouloir cacher le nombre réel de morts.
Un Gabonais, Jean Francois Mve Abessoslo, féru de photographie et de communication, a été arrêté par des gendarmes alors qu'il filmait la manifestation. La marche a été dispersée au niveau de la gendarmerie où ont été observées quelques interpellations de ressortissants Ouest-africains qui ont ensuite été relaxés.
Dans ce contexte, Bitam est restée ville morte toute la journée. De nombreuses sources à Libreville ont indiqué la préparation d’un communique du gouvernement faisant état de la situation.
Publié le 16-06-2011 Source : Gaboneco.com Auteur :
Trois personnes sont décédées à Bitam, ville septentrionale de la province du Woleu-Ntem, entre la nuit d’hier et ce jeudi 16 juin 2011, selon des sources concordantes dignes de foi. Dans la matinée, une rumeur s’est répandue faisant état de six ou sept morts et causant aussi bien l’émoi que les commentaires les plus saugrenus dans la ville.
Une source journalistique de la ville indique que suite à un contrôle de routine opéré, il y a trois jours, par la gendarmerie locale, 23 expatriés ont été interpellés pour défaut d’identité. On y dénombrait 19 Maliens, 6 Burkinabè et un Guinéen. Tous ont été entassés dans une cellule que l’on dit être de 5,5 m2.
Selon le journaliste local joint au téléphone, ces personnes étaient «privées d’eau et de nourriture. Ce qui a conduit à leur déshydratation. Les gendarmes de garde n’ont pas tenu compte du martèlement d’alerte auquel ces détenus préventifs se sont livrés durant de longs moments. La situation s’est empirée et a conduit au décès, en cellule, de l’un d’entre eux dont la nationalité n’a pas été communiquée.»
Face à cette situation, les cellules ont été ouvertes et une partie de ces prisonniers temporaires a été conduite dans la nuit, plus précisément à 5h30, au centre médical de Bitam, selon des sources concordantes. «A son arrivée, le médecin a constaté de la diarrhée auprès de certains et de la déshydratation et asthénie, pour les autres», raconte le journaliste local avant d’ajouter : «Deux autres de ces personnes sont décédées dans la journée au centre médical tandis que les autres ont été gardées en observation.»
Le maire de la ville et le préfet de la localité avaient fait le déplacement du centre hospitalier de Bitam ainsi que le Procureur de la République, venu d’Oyem, chef-lieu de la province, pour s’enquérir de la situation.
La nouvelle de ces décès a provoqué une colère sans précédent des ressortissants Ouest-africains de Bitam. Quelques centaines d'entre eux ont organisé spontanément une marche de protestation en direction de la brigade où leurs "frères" ont trouvé la mort. «Nous voulons la vérité», scandaient-ils comme s'ils soupçonnaient les autorités de vouloir cacher le nombre réel de morts.
Un Gabonais, Jean Francois Mve Abessoslo, féru de photographie et de communication, a été arrêté par des gendarmes alors qu'il filmait la manifestation. La marche a été dispersée au niveau de la gendarmerie où ont été observées quelques interpellations de ressortissants Ouest-africains qui ont ensuite été relaxés.
Dans ce contexte, Bitam est restée ville morte toute la journée. De nombreuses sources à Libreville ont indiqué la préparation d’un communique du gouvernement faisant état de la situation.
Publié le 16-06-2011 Source : Gaboneco.com Auteur :
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Abuja bomb blast - Nigeria and Bomb Blast
Nigeria: Two Killed in Abuja Police Headquarters' Bomb Blast
16 June 2011
Two people were reported killed in the suspected bomb blasts that rocked the headquarters of the Nigeria Police Force in Abuja Thursday.
Confirming the incident to reporters in Abuja Thursday , police spokesman, Olusola Amore, said the explosions which rocked the car park of the force happened at about 11 am.
He said the incident affected over 73 vehicles that were burnt beyond recognition while two lives including the suspected bomber and a civil defence staff were lost to the explosion.
Amore said members of the Boko Haram , the islamic fundamentalist group were being suspected as the brains behind the explosions.
He added that "before now the religious sect had threatened to descend on the police and which is what they have done with the bomb blasts".
While emphasising that the police will get to the root of the matter, the police spokesman said the authorities were on top of the matter.
Nigerian police headquarters bombed
2011-06-16 14:16
Abuja - A powerful bomb blast struck Nigerian police headquarters in the capital Abuja on Thursday, the police and emergency services said, but the number of casualties was not immediately clear.
"The police force headquarters has been bombed, everywhere is bombed," deputy national police spokesperson Yemi Ajayi told AFP.
3 children dead in Nigeria bomb blast
2011-06-16 19:24
Kano - A bomb exploded near a church in northern Nigeria Thursday and killed three children, police said, with Islamic militants blamed for a rash of attacks in the area.
"A bomb went off in a house adjoining Eyn church in the town of Damboa, killing three children playing nearby," Borno state police commissioner Mohammed Jinjiri Abubabakar told AFP.
Damboa is about 80km south of the Borno state capital, Maiduguri.
"We don't know who was behind the bomb or the extent of damage the explosion has caused," the commissioner said.
The blast came as another stuck the police headquarters in the capital Abuja, killing a policeman.
That attack was blamed on radical Islamists in the Boko Haram group that is active in northern Nigeria.
Boko Haram has been blamed for several bombing in the north, targeting police stations and churches. It has also been accused of shooting dozens of people including policemen, community and religious leaders.
Also known as the Nigerian Taliban, Boko Haram has pushed for the creation of an Islamic state. It launched an uprising in 2009 which was put down by a brutal military assault that left hundreds dead.
At least 14 people, including a church pastor, were killed and 17 others seriously injured in attacks in Maiduguri early this month.
Bomb scare in north Nigeria, no casualties: police
(AP) – 15-06-2011
KANO, Nigeria (AP) — Police say a special squad has detonated a bomb near a compound housing local oil workers in Nigeria's restive north.
Kaduna State police spokesman Aminu Lawal said the squad secured the area and safely detonated the bomb Wednesday in the north-central city of Kaduna.
Witness Ishaya Haruna says a watchman guarding the staff quarters of Nigeria's state-run oil company spotted the bomb just before dawn. Haruna says people avoided the area until the bomb was detonated at about 8 a.m.
Police on Tuesday safely detonated another bomb found nearby.
On Monday, a Kaduna court accused a well-known Islamic scholar of conspiring to commit an act of terrorism after a foiled April bomb attack in a Kaduna suburb. Sheikh Muhammad Awwal Albani pleaded not guilty.
18 killed in recent Nigerian attacks
2011-06-02 12:57
Abuja - A series of blasts in Nigeria at the weekend following the swearing in of President Goodluck Jonathan killed 18 people and hospitalised another 31, state-run relief agency NEMA said on Thursday.
"As the National Emergency Management Agency provides relief materials ... it has confirmed that a total of 18 people died and 31 victims [were] hospitalised over the bomb blasts that occurred on inauguration day," NEMA said in a statement.
It said the blasts occurred on Sunday in some parts of the country, especially in a crowded military barrack in northern city of Bauchi and Zuba at the outskirt of Abuja, the nation's capital.
The weekend blasts struck in several cities, mainly in the north, which was hit by post-poll riots in April that killed more than 800 people.
Two explosions were in the northern city of Zaria, the hometown of Vice President Namadi Sambo.
The deadliest attack was in Bauchi, where three near simultaneous bomb blasts went off at a beer garden inside a military barracks on Sunday night. Officials had previously said 13 people were killed in Bauchi.
Nigeria Islamists claim deadly bombs
2011-06-01 22:19
Gombe - A man who identified himself as the deputy spokesperson of a radical Muslim sect says they are responsible for blasts in two northern Nigerian cities and one city near the capital that left at least 17 dead.
The BBC's Hausa service said on Tuesday that Abu Zaid told them by telephone that the group was also responsible for the killing on Monday of the brother of the Shehu of Borno, the second-highest Muslim leader in Nigeria.
The Associated Press could not immediately verify these claims.
Multiple blasts hit beer gardens in Bauchi, Zuba and Zaria hours after Nigeria inaugurated its president Sunday.
Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language, has targeted police and clerics in a string of killings over the last year.
Bombs kill 10 at Nigerian barracks
2011-05-30 07:46
Abuja - Bomb blasts at a beer garden and eatery at a Nigerian military barracks killed at least 10 people on Sunday hours after President Goodluck Jonathan was inaugurated, an emergency source said.
Three bomb blasts hit a "mammy market" - commonly found at Nigerian military barracks and open to civilians - in the northern city of Bauchi, located in one of the states hard hit by post-poll riots last month.The attacks at the market were caused by "locally made devices", Bauchi state police commissioner Abdulkadir Indabawa said.
Authorities gave varying death tolls as is often the case in Nigeria, with officials frequently seeking to downplay the number of victims.
An emergency source who declined to be named said at least 10 people were killed, calling the incident "devastating", while Indabawa said four were dead and some 20 people wounded.
There was no indication of who was behind the blasts."There were lots of people since it's a Sunday evening," Indabawa said. "People were relaxing, eating and drinking.
The market is inside the barracks."The barracks commander told reporters that the three bombs went off at "exactly 20:00 when people were relaxing." He said two people were killed and seven wounded.
Deadly post-poll riots
"All victims were civilians," said Brigadier General Agbo Robinson. Civilians are allowed into such markets at military barracks.
Bauchi is located several hundred kilometres away from the capital Abuja, where Jonathan was sworn in.In a separate incident in Zuba on the outskirts of Abuja, an explosion hit a beer parlour, causing minor injuries, according to a spokesperson for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).
"NEMA officials report that there was no serious casualty at the beer parlour where it occurred as the three victims took themselves to hospital," said Yushau Shuaib.
Jonathan was sworn in on Sunday following an election seen as the fairest in nearly two decades in Africa's most populous nation, pledging in his inaugural address to transform a divided country hit by deadly post-poll riots.
He took the oath amid extremely tight security, with some 10 000 security personnel deployed, mobile phone services cut and helicopters flying overhead.
The 53-year-old southern Christian comfortably beat his main opponent, ex-military ruler Muhammadu Buhari from the mainly Muslim north, in the April 16 vote, but three days of rioting followed which killed more than 800 people.
The rioting and massacres spread across the north, with victims hacked, burned or shot to death.
Mobs torched churches and mosques, beat people after pulling them from cars and attacked shops.
Some two dozen African heads of state attended the inauguration at Abuja's Eagle Square.
Twin car bombs occurred near the same venue during October's independence day celebrations, killing at least 12 people.
Major flaws
"Together we'll unite our nation and improve the living standard of all our peoples, whether in the north or in the south, in the east or in the west," Jonathan said in his inaugural address.
"We will not allow anyone to exploit differences in creed or tongue, and set us one against another," he added later, drawing applause from the crowd of several thousand.
Jonathan also spoke of improving Nigeria's woeful electricity supply and unleashing the economic potential of the continent's largest oil producer, but suspicion remains in the north, poorer and less educated than the south.
Many from the region accuse Jonathan's ruling Peoples Democratic Party of vote rigging and reject observers' reports calling the election a step forward for Nigeria despite major flaws still to be addressed.
Jonathan also pledged in his address that he would make a priority of bringing peace to the troubled oil-producing Niger Delta, his home region.
The Niger Delta has seen relative peace after years of unrest thanks to a 2009 amnesty deal, but questions have been raised over how long it can last.
A deadly conflict between Christian and Muslim ethnic groups in the country's middle belt region also continues to simmer, while an Islamist sect has been blamed for dozens of killings in the northeast.
Nigeria: Bomb Blasts Rock Bauchi
30 May 2011
No fewer than 12 people were killed and over 25 injured in 3 bomb explosions at the Shadawaka Army barracks in Bauchi, yesterday.
The blasts rocked the 23 Artillery Brigade headquarters at about 8.25 p.m yesterday.
The commissioner of Police, Muhammed Indabawa confirmed the casualties.
Major Etete , the Public Relations Officer of the Brigade,also confirmed the explosions.
However, another report says the blasts killed 4persons with 20 injured.
16 June 2011
Two people were reported killed in the suspected bomb blasts that rocked the headquarters of the Nigeria Police Force in Abuja Thursday.
Confirming the incident to reporters in Abuja Thursday , police spokesman, Olusola Amore, said the explosions which rocked the car park of the force happened at about 11 am.
He said the incident affected over 73 vehicles that were burnt beyond recognition while two lives including the suspected bomber and a civil defence staff were lost to the explosion.
Amore said members of the Boko Haram , the islamic fundamentalist group were being suspected as the brains behind the explosions.
He added that "before now the religious sect had threatened to descend on the police and which is what they have done with the bomb blasts".
While emphasising that the police will get to the root of the matter, the police spokesman said the authorities were on top of the matter.
Nigerian police headquarters bombed
2011-06-16 14:16
Abuja - A powerful bomb blast struck Nigerian police headquarters in the capital Abuja on Thursday, the police and emergency services said, but the number of casualties was not immediately clear.
"The police force headquarters has been bombed, everywhere is bombed," deputy national police spokesperson Yemi Ajayi told AFP.
3 children dead in Nigeria bomb blast
2011-06-16 19:24
Kano - A bomb exploded near a church in northern Nigeria Thursday and killed three children, police said, with Islamic militants blamed for a rash of attacks in the area.
"A bomb went off in a house adjoining Eyn church in the town of Damboa, killing three children playing nearby," Borno state police commissioner Mohammed Jinjiri Abubabakar told AFP.
Damboa is about 80km south of the Borno state capital, Maiduguri.
"We don't know who was behind the bomb or the extent of damage the explosion has caused," the commissioner said.
The blast came as another stuck the police headquarters in the capital Abuja, killing a policeman.
That attack was blamed on radical Islamists in the Boko Haram group that is active in northern Nigeria.
Boko Haram has been blamed for several bombing in the north, targeting police stations and churches. It has also been accused of shooting dozens of people including policemen, community and religious leaders.
Also known as the Nigerian Taliban, Boko Haram has pushed for the creation of an Islamic state. It launched an uprising in 2009 which was put down by a brutal military assault that left hundreds dead.
At least 14 people, including a church pastor, were killed and 17 others seriously injured in attacks in Maiduguri early this month.
Bomb scare in north Nigeria, no casualties: police
(AP) – 15-06-2011
KANO, Nigeria (AP) — Police say a special squad has detonated a bomb near a compound housing local oil workers in Nigeria's restive north.
Kaduna State police spokesman Aminu Lawal said the squad secured the area and safely detonated the bomb Wednesday in the north-central city of Kaduna.
Witness Ishaya Haruna says a watchman guarding the staff quarters of Nigeria's state-run oil company spotted the bomb just before dawn. Haruna says people avoided the area until the bomb was detonated at about 8 a.m.
Police on Tuesday safely detonated another bomb found nearby.
On Monday, a Kaduna court accused a well-known Islamic scholar of conspiring to commit an act of terrorism after a foiled April bomb attack in a Kaduna suburb. Sheikh Muhammad Awwal Albani pleaded not guilty.
18 killed in recent Nigerian attacks
2011-06-02 12:57
Abuja - A series of blasts in Nigeria at the weekend following the swearing in of President Goodluck Jonathan killed 18 people and hospitalised another 31, state-run relief agency NEMA said on Thursday.
"As the National Emergency Management Agency provides relief materials ... it has confirmed that a total of 18 people died and 31 victims [were] hospitalised over the bomb blasts that occurred on inauguration day," NEMA said in a statement.
It said the blasts occurred on Sunday in some parts of the country, especially in a crowded military barrack in northern city of Bauchi and Zuba at the outskirt of Abuja, the nation's capital.
The weekend blasts struck in several cities, mainly in the north, which was hit by post-poll riots in April that killed more than 800 people.
Two explosions were in the northern city of Zaria, the hometown of Vice President Namadi Sambo.
The deadliest attack was in Bauchi, where three near simultaneous bomb blasts went off at a beer garden inside a military barracks on Sunday night. Officials had previously said 13 people were killed in Bauchi.
Nigeria Islamists claim deadly bombs
2011-06-01 22:19
Gombe - A man who identified himself as the deputy spokesperson of a radical Muslim sect says they are responsible for blasts in two northern Nigerian cities and one city near the capital that left at least 17 dead.
The BBC's Hausa service said on Tuesday that Abu Zaid told them by telephone that the group was also responsible for the killing on Monday of the brother of the Shehu of Borno, the second-highest Muslim leader in Nigeria.
The Associated Press could not immediately verify these claims.
Multiple blasts hit beer gardens in Bauchi, Zuba and Zaria hours after Nigeria inaugurated its president Sunday.
Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language, has targeted police and clerics in a string of killings over the last year.
Bombs kill 10 at Nigerian barracks
2011-05-30 07:46
Abuja - Bomb blasts at a beer garden and eatery at a Nigerian military barracks killed at least 10 people on Sunday hours after President Goodluck Jonathan was inaugurated, an emergency source said.
Three bomb blasts hit a "mammy market" - commonly found at Nigerian military barracks and open to civilians - in the northern city of Bauchi, located in one of the states hard hit by post-poll riots last month.The attacks at the market were caused by "locally made devices", Bauchi state police commissioner Abdulkadir Indabawa said.
Authorities gave varying death tolls as is often the case in Nigeria, with officials frequently seeking to downplay the number of victims.
An emergency source who declined to be named said at least 10 people were killed, calling the incident "devastating", while Indabawa said four were dead and some 20 people wounded.
There was no indication of who was behind the blasts."There were lots of people since it's a Sunday evening," Indabawa said. "People were relaxing, eating and drinking.
The market is inside the barracks."The barracks commander told reporters that the three bombs went off at "exactly 20:00 when people were relaxing." He said two people were killed and seven wounded.
Deadly post-poll riots
"All victims were civilians," said Brigadier General Agbo Robinson. Civilians are allowed into such markets at military barracks.
Bauchi is located several hundred kilometres away from the capital Abuja, where Jonathan was sworn in.In a separate incident in Zuba on the outskirts of Abuja, an explosion hit a beer parlour, causing minor injuries, according to a spokesperson for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).
"NEMA officials report that there was no serious casualty at the beer parlour where it occurred as the three victims took themselves to hospital," said Yushau Shuaib.
Jonathan was sworn in on Sunday following an election seen as the fairest in nearly two decades in Africa's most populous nation, pledging in his inaugural address to transform a divided country hit by deadly post-poll riots.
He took the oath amid extremely tight security, with some 10 000 security personnel deployed, mobile phone services cut and helicopters flying overhead.
The 53-year-old southern Christian comfortably beat his main opponent, ex-military ruler Muhammadu Buhari from the mainly Muslim north, in the April 16 vote, but three days of rioting followed which killed more than 800 people.
The rioting and massacres spread across the north, with victims hacked, burned or shot to death.
Mobs torched churches and mosques, beat people after pulling them from cars and attacked shops.
Some two dozen African heads of state attended the inauguration at Abuja's Eagle Square.
Twin car bombs occurred near the same venue during October's independence day celebrations, killing at least 12 people.
Major flaws
"Together we'll unite our nation and improve the living standard of all our peoples, whether in the north or in the south, in the east or in the west," Jonathan said in his inaugural address.
"We will not allow anyone to exploit differences in creed or tongue, and set us one against another," he added later, drawing applause from the crowd of several thousand.
Jonathan also spoke of improving Nigeria's woeful electricity supply and unleashing the economic potential of the continent's largest oil producer, but suspicion remains in the north, poorer and less educated than the south.
Many from the region accuse Jonathan's ruling Peoples Democratic Party of vote rigging and reject observers' reports calling the election a step forward for Nigeria despite major flaws still to be addressed.
Jonathan also pledged in his address that he would make a priority of bringing peace to the troubled oil-producing Niger Delta, his home region.
The Niger Delta has seen relative peace after years of unrest thanks to a 2009 amnesty deal, but questions have been raised over how long it can last.
A deadly conflict between Christian and Muslim ethnic groups in the country's middle belt region also continues to simmer, while an Islamist sect has been blamed for dozens of killings in the northeast.
Nigeria: Bomb Blasts Rock Bauchi
30 May 2011
No fewer than 12 people were killed and over 25 injured in 3 bomb explosions at the Shadawaka Army barracks in Bauchi, yesterday.
The blasts rocked the 23 Artillery Brigade headquarters at about 8.25 p.m yesterday.
The commissioner of Police, Muhammed Indabawa confirmed the casualties.
Major Etete , the Public Relations Officer of the Brigade,also confirmed the explosions.
However, another report says the blasts killed 4persons with 20 injured.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Most popular odd stories
We all know that “man bites dog” is a better story than “dog bites man”. Obviously a dog is more likely to bite a bloke than a bloke is to have a gnash at Rover. So it’s no surprise that some of your favourite stories of the year were peculiar, to say the least. There’s the traffic jam that lasted over a week, the Colombian woman who woke up in a mortuary, the yogi who doesn’t eat (or drink or do number twos), and the horrific story of a 26-year-old man having a baby with his own grandma. All human life is here, and how.
Some of these stories might set off your cow manure alarms, but most of them are verifiably true, and really quite extraordinary. Come with us into a journey of the strange, the silly and the downright unbelievable, as we reveal the top 10 Yahoo! News Oddly Enough stories of 2010. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you might also feel a little bit unpleasant …
1. Mother and great-grandmother to the same kid
What is it with you people? The top Oddly Enough story on Yahoo! this year was the, frankly disturbing, story of a grandma having a baby with her own grandson. You clicked it, you can’t unclick it.
The story is that 26-year-old Phil Bailey, from Indiana USA, is having a child with his 72-year-old grandma Pearl Carter. But the child will not be the product of incestuous union – after all, the oldest natural mother on record is thought to be Dawn Brooke, a Briton who gave birth at the age of 59, although Spaniard Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara gave birth after an assisted pregnancy at the age of 66. Instead, the baby’s genetic mother will be a surrogate, Roxanne
Campbell, 30, who has reportedly been paid $54,000 to deliver the baby.
The story first surfaced in New Idea, a New Zealand-based glossy weekly magazine, and was reported globally in April this year. But since then, despite the lurid subject matter, not much has been reported about the odd couple. When is the baby actually due? Will smiling Pearl eagerly attend her kid’s high school graduation, at the age of 91? And will she join her child for its first legal drink when she’s 94? It’s hard to say.
We wait with bated breath for the outcome of the story. But will it turn out to be too sick to be true? Pearl gave good quote: “For the first time in years, I felt sexually alive”, as did Phil: “We get laughed and bullied when we go out and kiss in public but we don’t care”. But you can’t help but hope that this whole sick affair is a hoax.
You can read the full story on the Sky News website.
2. Perhaps she’s just a zombie?
The dead coming back to life is the premise of thousands of horror movies and spine-chillers. So funeral home worker Jaime Aullon got the shock of his life when the corpse he was about to embalm started moving. He was about to administer the formaldehyde when he noticed the deceased’s midriff quivering. The ‘deceased’, Noelia Serna, 45, had been pronounced dead at Cali
Hospital in Colombia, after suffering a heart attack.
Dr. Miguel Angel Saavedra of the Cali Hospital had monitored the patient with electronic devices but could find no trace of a heartbeat or arterial tension, and declared Ms Serna dead. Her body was duly dispatched to the undertakers.
Aullon told reporters: “I placed my hand [on her nose] and I felt her breathing. I told my partner that she should go back to hospital because she is alive.”
It’s believed that Ms Serna’s miraculous recovery was an example of ‘Lazarus Syndrome’, a phenomenon that has been recorded in medical literature around 25 times since 1982. So called because of the New Testament tale of Lazarus – who was raised from the dead by Jesus – the syndrome is extremely rare and not greatly understood. Some doctors believe that over-stimulation of the heart during CPR (cardiopulmonary respiration) can cause a build up of pressure that ceases electrical activity.
When the pressure is released the heart expands, re-triggering the heartbeat.
That’s the scientific theory, at least. But there’s always the possibility that she’s actually a zombie.
3. The Atkins Diet is for wimps
An 83-year-old Indian man claims not to have eaten since World War II. For the past seven decades Prahlad Jani, has survived on nothing but air.
Most normal mortals get their energy by metabolising carbohydrates from the food that they eat. But Jani gets his ’energy’ through meditation.
His miraculous fasting led the Indian military to study Jani to see if he could hold the secrets that could help soldiers to survive for longer in hostile environments – or help astronauts survive on long journeys to other planets.
A team of scientists observed the bearded yogi for three weeks in a hospital in Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India. He was under constant surveillance, and doctors say he didn’t eat or drink anything (or, indeed, go to the toilet) throughout this time. They claimed he was as fit as a 40-year-old man, and had the brain of a 25-year-old.
However the Medical Council of India has criticised the methodology used by Dr G. Ilavazahagan and his team, saying that they published their results too hastily. And the Indian Rationalist Society’s Sanal Edamaruku poured scorn on Jani’s claims in an interview with Indian television, in which he said requests for independent monitoring of the tests on Jani were repeatedly denied.
The study’s findings have yet to be published in any peer-reviewed medical journal.
Jani attributes his magical power to a visitation from a goddess, who blessed him at the age of eight.
4. The bitter taste of €10,000
What would you do if you won the lottery? Chances are you wouldn’t eat the winning ticket and forfeit your prize. But that’s exactly what happened on a Ryanair flight from Krakow in Poland to East Midlands Airport.
The no-frills airline sells branded scratchcards on its flights offering a top prize of a luxury car or €40,000 in cash. An unnamed man bought such a ticket on this flight, scratched off the panels, and discovered he’d won €10,000.
He reportedly became annoyed when cabin crew told him they couldn’t give him his prize in cash, there and then, and that he’d have to send the ticket in for verification. In protest, he proceeded to eat the ticket.
A Ryanair spokesperson said: “Yesterday’s events prove that while Ryanair’s scratchcards offer large cash prizes, they clearly taste great too.”
The airline has said that it would donate the unclaimed €10,000 prize to a charity chosen by visitors to its website.
However some bloggers doubt the authenticity of the story. It first broke on a gambling website, and was soon picked up by trusted news sources around the world.
But, given that there are no named witnesses – and Ryanair’s love of headline-grabbing publicity, good or bad – many people will find a handful of scratchcards easier to swallow than this story.
5. White baby born to black parents
All parents fear a mix-up in the maternity ward. But there was no mix-up for Angela and Ben Ihegbro. The black couple, from Woolwich in south London, were amazed when Angela, 35, gave birth to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white baby.
Nmachi Ihegboro was born at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup, Kent. It’s not unheard-of for mixed-race couples of West Indian origin to have children of significantly different colour – because of white ancestry – but Angela and Ihegbro are of Nigerian origin, and are not aware of any mixed-race family history.
Furthermore, doctors insist that baby Nmachi is not an albino because she has pigmentation in her eyes and hair.
Professor Brian Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University, believes the unusual condition is the result of an undocumented form of genetic mutation.
Nmachi’s, which means “beauty of God” in Nigerian, joins sisters Chisom, four, and Dunebi, two.
Angela Ihegbro told The Sun newspaper: “Nmachi’s colour doesn’t matter. She’s a miracle baby. But still, what on earth happened here?”
That was surely a question that popped into Ben’s head at the moment of birth. But he doesn’t suspect any wrongdoing. “Of course, she’s mine,” he told the newspaper, “my wife is true to me. Even if she hadn’t been, the baby still wouldn’t look like that.”
6. Don’t try this at home
Boffin chef Heston Blumenthal cooks snails in porridge. And viewers of ITV’s ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ have grown used to the sight of creepy-crawlies being gobbled up in the Australian jungle for “bush tucker trials”. But one Australian man will rue the day he tried to follow in their footsteps.
The 21-year old man from Sydney, who has not been named, ate two slugs as a dare. This back garden prank saw him admitted to hospital for a month, including stints in intensive care.
Health experts have warned that not all gastropods are gastronomic delights, after the man contracted the rat lungworm parasite from the slugs.
The disease, which is similar to meningitis, is transferred to slugs and snails from rodent faeces, and its symptoms include headaches, fever, a stiff neck, and vomiting.
The man has since recovered, but the disease can lead to permanent brain damage, and is sometimes fatal.
The disease is rare and isn’t infectious – but it can also be caught by eating raw fruit and vegetables that haven’t been properly washed. So it isn’t only contracted by idiots.
7. It’s a boy! It’s a huge boy!
April saw the birth of a real-life baby who could give George Dawes a run for his money in the “big baby” stakes. Sharon Needham, 35, gave birth to 13lb 8oz (6.3kg) Harry at Doncaster’s Royal Infirmary.
The giant newborn was so big he had to be delivered by caesarean section, and is the largest baby to have been delivered at the hospital since records began.
It took three medical staff to lift the baby from his mother’s womb.
They joked that the umbilical cord was more like a fireman’s hose.
But Harry’s not Britain’s heaviest-ever baby: that record is held by Guy Warwick Carr who weighed 15lb 8oz (7kg) when he was born in Cumbria in 1992.
Harry’s size has meant that parents Sharon Needham and Paul Crossland had to buy clothes meant for three to six-month-old babies.
Ms Needham was unable to walk for a week before the birth. Having had four previous children, she realised that there was something different about this pregnancy.
She puts Harry’s extraordinary size down to her massive cravings for roast beef, steak pies, and steak and chips during his gestation.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the heaviest baby ever born was delivered by Anna Bates in Canada, in 1879. Sadly the 23lb (10kg) baby died 11 hours after birth.
You can read the full story on the Sky News website.
8. On a road to nowhere
Next time you complain about near-stationary traffic on the M25, or the agonies of junctions 9 to 11 on the M6, spare a thought for the poor drivers on the National Highway 110 Beijing-Tibet Expressway in China, who got stuck in a 100km-long traffic jam that lasted for nine days in August.
Drivers reported that at points it took four hours to drive half a kilometre and, at its worst point, the tailback was advancing at a mere two kilometres per day.
Enterprising vendors set up food and drink stalls by the side of the road to service the needs of stranded drivers, capitalising on the captive market by selling overpriced noodles. While motorists found ingenious ways to deal with the absence of washrooms.
Traffic jams aren’t unusual in Beijing but have been exacerbated by a growth in road freight and a series of roadworks. “If there was no traffic jam in the city, that would be news,” said Niu Fengru, director of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Science told China’s Global Times. The academic also blamed poor road planning.
The jam was compounded by abandoned and broken-down cars that had overheated. But, thanks to the booming Chinese economy, there are many more new and reliable cars on the road. Ten years ago the jam could have been even worse.
Although it was predicted that the jam might last a month, traffic started to flow more freely from August 24, ten days after the bottleneck started.
9. That’s it, I’m off, Byeeee!
Who’d be a flight steward, eh? You know that passengers are statistically more likely to be injured while the plane is taxiing on the ground than in flight. But the passengers see asphalt and ignore the “do not remove your safety belt” signs. You can try to tell them to sit, but will they listen?
Such was the state of affairs when JetBlue airways flight 1052 from Pittsburgh touched down at New York’s JFK airport on August 9, 2010. After telling passengers to remain in their seats, flight attendant Steven Slater was allegedly smacked in the head with a bag being retrieved from an overhead locker by a passenger.
Slater demanded the passenger apologise and was told to “flip off” – or words to that effect.
As a result, 38-year old Slater took to the Embraer 190’s PA system. Using some rather fruity language of his own, he went on to say, “I’ve been in this business 20 years. And that’s it, I’m done.”
He then threw off his tie, grabbed a beer, engaged the inflatable emergency slide, and made a dramatic exit from the aircraft. He walked to the staff car park and drove home to Queens, where he was later arrested.
Slater has since become something of a celebrity in the US, where his actions have polarised opinion.
A recovering alcoholic, Slater has admitted that he’d had “a sip or two” before the incident. He has escaped jail but has been ordered to pay $10,000 towards the $25,000 cost of repairing the slide.
10. Newsreader chokes on insect, live
Perhaps as a child you thought the story of the old lady who swallowed a fly was a bit far-fetched? It’s not like swallowing a fly is likely to do major damage. Clearly, by the time she goes as far as swallowing a cat, you think: “Yes, that might cause her to be really unwell”. But “perhaps she’ll die”? After swallowing a fly? You suspect that the song’s writer just found an easy rhyme and stuck with it.
Truth proved stranger than fiction in July, when a humble insect caused a Taiwanese newsreader to spend a day in A&E.
The pesky mosquito flew straight into her mouth while she was delivering a live bulletin. A consummate professional, Huang Ching continued to broadcast as if nothing had happened. She later remarked that it would have been “impolite” to spit it out.
But when she began to choke, bosses at the China Television Co cut to the ad-break so she could get medical help, and so that they could draft in a replacement presenter.
The flying pest got lodged on her windpipe, causing her to have a major asthma attack. Fortunately the mosquito didn’t do any major damage, and the newsreader was released from hospital the next day. “I never expected a mosquito to have such a great power.
It really gave me a bad day,” Ching told the China Times. But, we suspect, it was a much worse day for the mosquito.
You can watch the video here.
We all know that “man bites dog” is a better story than “dog bites man”. Obviously a dog is more likely to bite a bloke than a bloke is to have a gnash at Rover. So it’s no surprise that some of your favourite stories of the year were peculiar, to say the least. There’s the traffic jam that lasted over a week, the Colombian woman who woke up in a mortuary, the yogi who doesn’t eat (or drink or do number twos), and the horrific story of a 26-year-old man having a baby with his own grandma. All human life is here, and how.
Some of these stories might set off your cow manure alarms, but most of them are verifiably true, and really quite extraordinary. Come with us into a journey of the strange, the silly and the downright unbelievable, as we reveal the top 10 Yahoo! News Oddly Enough stories of 2010. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you might also feel a little bit unpleasant …
1. Mother and great-grandmother to the same kid
What is it with you people? The top Oddly Enough story on Yahoo! this year was the, frankly disturbing, story of a grandma having a baby with her own grandson. You clicked it, you can’t unclick it.
The story is that 26-year-old Phil Bailey, from Indiana USA, is having a child with his 72-year-old grandma Pearl Carter. But the child will not be the product of incestuous union – after all, the oldest natural mother on record is thought to be Dawn Brooke, a Briton who gave birth at the age of 59, although Spaniard Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara gave birth after an assisted pregnancy at the age of 66. Instead, the baby’s genetic mother will be a surrogate, Roxanne
Campbell, 30, who has reportedly been paid $54,000 to deliver the baby.
The story first surfaced in New Idea, a New Zealand-based glossy weekly magazine, and was reported globally in April this year. But since then, despite the lurid subject matter, not much has been reported about the odd couple. When is the baby actually due? Will smiling Pearl eagerly attend her kid’s high school graduation, at the age of 91? And will she join her child for its first legal drink when she’s 94? It’s hard to say.
We wait with bated breath for the outcome of the story. But will it turn out to be too sick to be true? Pearl gave good quote: “For the first time in years, I felt sexually alive”, as did Phil: “We get laughed and bullied when we go out and kiss in public but we don’t care”. But you can’t help but hope that this whole sick affair is a hoax.
You can read the full story on the Sky News website.
2. Perhaps she’s just a zombie?
The dead coming back to life is the premise of thousands of horror movies and spine-chillers. So funeral home worker Jaime Aullon got the shock of his life when the corpse he was about to embalm started moving. He was about to administer the formaldehyde when he noticed the deceased’s midriff quivering. The ‘deceased’, Noelia Serna, 45, had been pronounced dead at Cali
Hospital in Colombia, after suffering a heart attack.
Dr. Miguel Angel Saavedra of the Cali Hospital had monitored the patient with electronic devices but could find no trace of a heartbeat or arterial tension, and declared Ms Serna dead. Her body was duly dispatched to the undertakers.
Aullon told reporters: “I placed my hand [on her nose] and I felt her breathing. I told my partner that she should go back to hospital because she is alive.”
It’s believed that Ms Serna’s miraculous recovery was an example of ‘Lazarus Syndrome’, a phenomenon that has been recorded in medical literature around 25 times since 1982. So called because of the New Testament tale of Lazarus – who was raised from the dead by Jesus – the syndrome is extremely rare and not greatly understood. Some doctors believe that over-stimulation of the heart during CPR (cardiopulmonary respiration) can cause a build up of pressure that ceases electrical activity.
When the pressure is released the heart expands, re-triggering the heartbeat.
That’s the scientific theory, at least. But there’s always the possibility that she’s actually a zombie.
3. The Atkins Diet is for wimps
An 83-year-old Indian man claims not to have eaten since World War II. For the past seven decades Prahlad Jani, has survived on nothing but air.
Most normal mortals get their energy by metabolising carbohydrates from the food that they eat. But Jani gets his ’energy’ through meditation.
His miraculous fasting led the Indian military to study Jani to see if he could hold the secrets that could help soldiers to survive for longer in hostile environments – or help astronauts survive on long journeys to other planets.
A team of scientists observed the bearded yogi for three weeks in a hospital in Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India. He was under constant surveillance, and doctors say he didn’t eat or drink anything (or, indeed, go to the toilet) throughout this time. They claimed he was as fit as a 40-year-old man, and had the brain of a 25-year-old.
However the Medical Council of India has criticised the methodology used by Dr G. Ilavazahagan and his team, saying that they published their results too hastily. And the Indian Rationalist Society’s Sanal Edamaruku poured scorn on Jani’s claims in an interview with Indian television, in which he said requests for independent monitoring of the tests on Jani were repeatedly denied.
The study’s findings have yet to be published in any peer-reviewed medical journal.
Jani attributes his magical power to a visitation from a goddess, who blessed him at the age of eight.
4. The bitter taste of €10,000
What would you do if you won the lottery? Chances are you wouldn’t eat the winning ticket and forfeit your prize. But that’s exactly what happened on a Ryanair flight from Krakow in Poland to East Midlands Airport.
The no-frills airline sells branded scratchcards on its flights offering a top prize of a luxury car or €40,000 in cash. An unnamed man bought such a ticket on this flight, scratched off the panels, and discovered he’d won €10,000.
He reportedly became annoyed when cabin crew told him they couldn’t give him his prize in cash, there and then, and that he’d have to send the ticket in for verification. In protest, he proceeded to eat the ticket.
A Ryanair spokesperson said: “Yesterday’s events prove that while Ryanair’s scratchcards offer large cash prizes, they clearly taste great too.”
The airline has said that it would donate the unclaimed €10,000 prize to a charity chosen by visitors to its website.
However some bloggers doubt the authenticity of the story. It first broke on a gambling website, and was soon picked up by trusted news sources around the world.
But, given that there are no named witnesses – and Ryanair’s love of headline-grabbing publicity, good or bad – many people will find a handful of scratchcards easier to swallow than this story.
5. White baby born to black parents
All parents fear a mix-up in the maternity ward. But there was no mix-up for Angela and Ben Ihegbro. The black couple, from Woolwich in south London, were amazed when Angela, 35, gave birth to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white baby.
Nmachi Ihegboro was born at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup, Kent. It’s not unheard-of for mixed-race couples of West Indian origin to have children of significantly different colour – because of white ancestry – but Angela and Ihegbro are of Nigerian origin, and are not aware of any mixed-race family history.
Furthermore, doctors insist that baby Nmachi is not an albino because she has pigmentation in her eyes and hair.
Professor Brian Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University, believes the unusual condition is the result of an undocumented form of genetic mutation.
Nmachi’s, which means “beauty of God” in Nigerian, joins sisters Chisom, four, and Dunebi, two.
Angela Ihegbro told The Sun newspaper: “Nmachi’s colour doesn’t matter. She’s a miracle baby. But still, what on earth happened here?”
That was surely a question that popped into Ben’s head at the moment of birth. But he doesn’t suspect any wrongdoing. “Of course, she’s mine,” he told the newspaper, “my wife is true to me. Even if she hadn’t been, the baby still wouldn’t look like that.”
6. Don’t try this at home
Boffin chef Heston Blumenthal cooks snails in porridge. And viewers of ITV’s ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ have grown used to the sight of creepy-crawlies being gobbled up in the Australian jungle for “bush tucker trials”. But one Australian man will rue the day he tried to follow in their footsteps.
The 21-year old man from Sydney, who has not been named, ate two slugs as a dare. This back garden prank saw him admitted to hospital for a month, including stints in intensive care.
Health experts have warned that not all gastropods are gastronomic delights, after the man contracted the rat lungworm parasite from the slugs.
The disease, which is similar to meningitis, is transferred to slugs and snails from rodent faeces, and its symptoms include headaches, fever, a stiff neck, and vomiting.
The man has since recovered, but the disease can lead to permanent brain damage, and is sometimes fatal.
The disease is rare and isn’t infectious – but it can also be caught by eating raw fruit and vegetables that haven’t been properly washed. So it isn’t only contracted by idiots.
7. It’s a boy! It’s a huge boy!
April saw the birth of a real-life baby who could give George Dawes a run for his money in the “big baby” stakes. Sharon Needham, 35, gave birth to 13lb 8oz (6.3kg) Harry at Doncaster’s Royal Infirmary.
The giant newborn was so big he had to be delivered by caesarean section, and is the largest baby to have been delivered at the hospital since records began.
It took three medical staff to lift the baby from his mother’s womb.
They joked that the umbilical cord was more like a fireman’s hose.
But Harry’s not Britain’s heaviest-ever baby: that record is held by Guy Warwick Carr who weighed 15lb 8oz (7kg) when he was born in Cumbria in 1992.
Harry’s size has meant that parents Sharon Needham and Paul Crossland had to buy clothes meant for three to six-month-old babies.
Ms Needham was unable to walk for a week before the birth. Having had four previous children, she realised that there was something different about this pregnancy.
She puts Harry’s extraordinary size down to her massive cravings for roast beef, steak pies, and steak and chips during his gestation.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the heaviest baby ever born was delivered by Anna Bates in Canada, in 1879. Sadly the 23lb (10kg) baby died 11 hours after birth.
You can read the full story on the Sky News website.
8. On a road to nowhere
Next time you complain about near-stationary traffic on the M25, or the agonies of junctions 9 to 11 on the M6, spare a thought for the poor drivers on the National Highway 110 Beijing-Tibet Expressway in China, who got stuck in a 100km-long traffic jam that lasted for nine days in August.
Drivers reported that at points it took four hours to drive half a kilometre and, at its worst point, the tailback was advancing at a mere two kilometres per day.
Enterprising vendors set up food and drink stalls by the side of the road to service the needs of stranded drivers, capitalising on the captive market by selling overpriced noodles. While motorists found ingenious ways to deal with the absence of washrooms.
Traffic jams aren’t unusual in Beijing but have been exacerbated by a growth in road freight and a series of roadworks. “If there was no traffic jam in the city, that would be news,” said Niu Fengru, director of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Science told China’s Global Times. The academic also blamed poor road planning.
The jam was compounded by abandoned and broken-down cars that had overheated. But, thanks to the booming Chinese economy, there are many more new and reliable cars on the road. Ten years ago the jam could have been even worse.
Although it was predicted that the jam might last a month, traffic started to flow more freely from August 24, ten days after the bottleneck started.
9. That’s it, I’m off, Byeeee!
Who’d be a flight steward, eh? You know that passengers are statistically more likely to be injured while the plane is taxiing on the ground than in flight. But the passengers see asphalt and ignore the “do not remove your safety belt” signs. You can try to tell them to sit, but will they listen?
Such was the state of affairs when JetBlue airways flight 1052 from Pittsburgh touched down at New York’s JFK airport on August 9, 2010. After telling passengers to remain in their seats, flight attendant Steven Slater was allegedly smacked in the head with a bag being retrieved from an overhead locker by a passenger.
Slater demanded the passenger apologise and was told to “flip off” – or words to that effect.
As a result, 38-year old Slater took to the Embraer 190’s PA system. Using some rather fruity language of his own, he went on to say, “I’ve been in this business 20 years. And that’s it, I’m done.”
He then threw off his tie, grabbed a beer, engaged the inflatable emergency slide, and made a dramatic exit from the aircraft. He walked to the staff car park and drove home to Queens, where he was later arrested.
Slater has since become something of a celebrity in the US, where his actions have polarised opinion.
A recovering alcoholic, Slater has admitted that he’d had “a sip or two” before the incident. He has escaped jail but has been ordered to pay $10,000 towards the $25,000 cost of repairing the slide.
10. Newsreader chokes on insect, live
Perhaps as a child you thought the story of the old lady who swallowed a fly was a bit far-fetched? It’s not like swallowing a fly is likely to do major damage. Clearly, by the time she goes as far as swallowing a cat, you think: “Yes, that might cause her to be really unwell”. But “perhaps she’ll die”? After swallowing a fly? You suspect that the song’s writer just found an easy rhyme and stuck with it.
Truth proved stranger than fiction in July, when a humble insect caused a Taiwanese newsreader to spend a day in A&E.
The pesky mosquito flew straight into her mouth while she was delivering a live bulletin. A consummate professional, Huang Ching continued to broadcast as if nothing had happened. She later remarked that it would have been “impolite” to spit it out.
But when she began to choke, bosses at the China Television Co cut to the ad-break so she could get medical help, and so that they could draft in a replacement presenter.
The flying pest got lodged on her windpipe, causing her to have a major asthma attack. Fortunately the mosquito didn’t do any major damage, and the newsreader was released from hospital the next day. “I never expected a mosquito to have such a great power.
It really gave me a bad day,” Ching told the China Times. But, we suspect, it was a much worse day for the mosquito.
You can watch the video here.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Nigerian Super Falcons clinch AWC 2010 crown
Nigeria won the African Women's Championship title on Sunday after beating Equatorial Guinea 4-2 in the final in South Africa.
A late flurry of goals helped the Super Falcons to seal their seventh title.
The brave Guinean ladies were undone by two own-goals that robbed them of the chance of retaining the title.
The brave Guinean ladies were undone by two own-goals that robbed them of the chance of retaining the title.
Tournament's top scorer Perpetua Nkwocha put Nigeria in the lead on seven minutes after dominating the early exchanges.
The Super Falcons' lead triggered an Equatorial Guinea revival and Carolina Parreira drew them level in the 66th minute.
Ugochi Oparanozie restored Nigeria's lead 11 minutes later with a powerful header.
The Super Falcons extended their lead when Ghislaine Nke inadvertently put the ball into her own net to make it 3-1.
Moments later Jada Sayo restored hope for Equatorial Guinea with a strike but when Parreira scored an own goal late in the goal, Nigeria sealed their win.
Meanwhile, hosts South Africa beat Cameroon 2-0 to finish third in the tournament.
Bayana Bayana dominated the early exchanges and deservedly took the lead on eight minutes when Nocawe Skiti.
Bayana Bayana dominated the early exchanges and deservedly took the lead on eight minutes when Nocawe Skiti.
Skiti pounced after Nthabeleng Modiko's near perfect free kick smacked against the cross bar.
Amanda Dlamini doubled the home side's lead 30 minutes from Mamello Makhabane's perfect corner kick.
Amanda Dlamini doubled the home side's lead 30 minutes from Mamello Makhabane's perfect corner kick.
South Africa coach Augustine Makalakalane was delighted with the support fans had given the home side.
"I'm happy for the support the people came out and gave us, and the players stayed motivated," Makalakalane.
"I think my outstanding player has been the 21 players in the squad, they've played well and given their best."
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Miss Botswana Emma Wareus takes second place spot at the Miss World 2010 finale
Close but not Quite! Miss Botswana Emma Wareus takes second place spot at the Miss World 2010 finale
The finale of the 2010 Miss World competition took place in Sanya, China on Saturday, 30th October 2010. 18-year-old, Alexandria Mills from the United States of America was crowned as the winner. However, it was a close call as one of the African queens, Emma Wareus of Botswana was the 1st Runner Up and Adriana Vasini of Venezuela was chosen as the 2nd Runner Up.
Among the Top 25 were several other African contestants including Miss Kenya, Miss South Africa and Miss Namibia.
The contestants have all been in Sanya over the last couple of weeks and have taken part in various mini-competitions including the Miss World Sportswoman and Miss World Top Model ‘fast track’ events. Miss Kenya, Natasha Metto won the ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ competition for her Miss Kenya project. She is currently working with Miss Kenya 2005 to create awareness to help treat the jigger worm epidemic in Kenya.
Though the Nigerian representative, Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2010 – Fiona Afoma Amuzie did not win the competition, Nigeria was well-represented as Miss World 2001, Agbani Darego, was one of the judges.
Better luck to Nigeria next time and congrats to Miss Botswana – Emma Wareus.
The Day After the Miss World 2010 pageant
follow the link bellow to see the news and other pics at bellanaija.com
Friday, 29 October 2010
Maldives arrest marriage celebrant after 'hate' ceremony
by Amal Jayasinghe
Police in the Maldives have arrested a marriage celebrant who abused a foreign couple as "swine" and "infidels" during a luxury ceremony in the holiday paradise, an official said.
Maldivian police spokesman Ahmed Shiyam said the celebrant, who conducted the ceremony in the local language at an upmarket resort fringed by white sand and turquoise water, had been arrested with another hotel employee on Thursday.
A video of the ceremony, during which the hapless couple are taunted and subjected to a series of insulting and religious-tinged abuse, was posted on YouTube and has sparked fears for the country's tourism-dependent economy.
The hotel had initially identified the victims as Swiss, but a highly placed tourism source in the Maldives told AFP said they were in fact French. Police declined to confirm their nationality.
"We started investigations and treat this as a very serious matter," Shiyam told AFP by telephone when contacted in the capital island Male.
He said the two men were taken before a magistrate who ordered them to be detained for five days. "Both are being held at a police station in Male," he added.
Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed announced his government will introduce strict guidelines on conducting wedding ceremonies in his nation of tiny coral islands which is known as a top honeymoon destination.
British comic Russell Brand and US pop star Katy Perry are the latest celebrities to head to the Indian Ocean nation for a honeymoon after tying the knot in India last weekend.
"All tourist hotels without exception will be required to follow the new guidelines which will be issued shortly," the president's office said in a statement.
Nasheed expressed "disgust" at the incident and described the behaviour of those involved as "absolutely disgraceful," the statement said.
He appealed to hotel staff to be "vigilantly professional" and said "bad behaviour, such as that depicted in the YouTube video, can cause enormous damage to the country's tourism industry."
The ceremony took place earlier this month, but a video of it was posted on the Internet by another hotel employee five days ago and since gone viral.
The Vilu Reef hotel, where the ceremony took place, said it was "unforgivable" that a staff member had read out the sexual and religious slurs in the Dhivehi language and apologised for his conduct.
"You are swine," the couple were told. "The children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine.
"Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel and, we have reason to believe, an atheist."
The wife, wearing a white dress and carrying a bouquet, and her husband smile shyly through the ceremony, which was to renew their marriage vows at a cost of 1,300 dollars.
In front of a table decorated with incense sticks, the English-speaking couple bow their heads in prayer through the torrent of accusations, curses and swearing from the celebrant.
At the end of the 15-minute routine, they exchange rings as the staff clap, before heading onto the beach to plant a coconut tree in the sand.
The Islamic republic of the Maldives, a nation of palm-fringed islands scattered in the Indian Ocean, is one of the world's most exclusive honeymoon destinations and its economy relies heavily on tourism.
The video, which contains English subtitles of abusive language, can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3anLy3Hz9I
Maldives wedding ceremony
Police in the Maldives have arrested a marriage celebrant who abused a foreign couple as "swine" and "infidels" during a luxury ceremony in the holiday paradise, an official said.
Maldivian police spokesman Ahmed Shiyam said the celebrant, who conducted the ceremony in the local language at an upmarket resort fringed by white sand and turquoise water, had been arrested with another hotel employee on Thursday.
A video of the ceremony, during which the hapless couple are taunted and subjected to a series of insulting and religious-tinged abuse, was posted on YouTube and has sparked fears for the country's tourism-dependent economy.
The hotel had initially identified the victims as Swiss, but a highly placed tourism source in the Maldives told AFP said they were in fact French. Police declined to confirm their nationality.
"We started investigations and treat this as a very serious matter," Shiyam told AFP by telephone when contacted in the capital island Male.
He said the two men were taken before a magistrate who ordered them to be detained for five days. "Both are being held at a police station in Male," he added.
Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed announced his government will introduce strict guidelines on conducting wedding ceremonies in his nation of tiny coral islands which is known as a top honeymoon destination.
British comic Russell Brand and US pop star Katy Perry are the latest celebrities to head to the Indian Ocean nation for a honeymoon after tying the knot in India last weekend.
"All tourist hotels without exception will be required to follow the new guidelines which will be issued shortly," the president's office said in a statement.
Nasheed expressed "disgust" at the incident and described the behaviour of those involved as "absolutely disgraceful," the statement said.
He appealed to hotel staff to be "vigilantly professional" and said "bad behaviour, such as that depicted in the YouTube video, can cause enormous damage to the country's tourism industry."
The ceremony took place earlier this month, but a video of it was posted on the Internet by another hotel employee five days ago and since gone viral.
The Vilu Reef hotel, where the ceremony took place, said it was "unforgivable" that a staff member had read out the sexual and religious slurs in the Dhivehi language and apologised for his conduct.
"You are swine," the couple were told. "The children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine.
"Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel and, we have reason to believe, an atheist."
The wife, wearing a white dress and carrying a bouquet, and her husband smile shyly through the ceremony, which was to renew their marriage vows at a cost of 1,300 dollars.
In front of a table decorated with incense sticks, the English-speaking couple bow their heads in prayer through the torrent of accusations, curses and swearing from the celebrant.
At the end of the 15-minute routine, they exchange rings as the staff clap, before heading onto the beach to plant a coconut tree in the sand.
The Islamic republic of the Maldives, a nation of palm-fringed islands scattered in the Indian Ocean, is one of the world's most exclusive honeymoon destinations and its economy relies heavily on tourism.
The video, which contains English subtitles of abusive language, can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3anLy3Hz9I
Maldives wedding ceremony
Couple mocked as they renew marriage vows in Maldives
A couple looking to renew their marriage vows in the Maldives were called "swine" and "infidels" by the hotel staff officiating the ceremony.
LMFAO does it mean the couple did not understand him or what?
They were not even surprised at all and I can hear some laughing after his pronouncements.
Oh no! This is haraam
And if they do not understand; means they are not Islamic… then why going to the Islamic to pronounce their marriage?
I posted this blog that you may see, pity this couple, reason on what an Islamic life is and finally… drop your comments.
Never forget to take precaution through what happened to others.
Look folks: never say amen when prayers are said in a strange language.
This is a total abuse on this couple; finally it’s not amusing and if this couple will see this here any day, how do you think they will feel being abused, insulted and cursed by those they have trusted?
It is quite unjust
If anyone will do this on an Islamic or say rubbish about the Islamic world… they will lift up bands and menaces all over the world, but see what a group of people could assemble and agree to do to their strangers.
They are heartless.
They were not even surprised at all and I can hear some laughing after his pronouncements.
Oh no! This is haraam
And if they do not understand; means they are not Islamic… then why going to the Islamic to pronounce their marriage?
I posted this blog that you may see, pity this couple, reason on what an Islamic life is and finally… drop your comments.
Never forget to take precaution through what happened to others.
Look folks: never say amen when prayers are said in a strange language.
This is a total abuse on this couple; finally it’s not amusing and if this couple will see this here any day, how do you think they will feel being abused, insulted and cursed by those they have trusted?
It is quite unjust
If anyone will do this on an Islamic or say rubbish about the Islamic world… they will lift up bands and menaces all over the world, but see what a group of people could assemble and agree to do to their strangers.
They are heartless.
follow the news and links bellow....
The video (in the youtube link bellow) that seems to have been filmed by a member of staff at the Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort was supposed to be a traditional Maldivan ceremony conducted in Dhivehi.
One man (the coordinator) said to the couple: "Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel."
The footage was leaked onto YouTube as "a joke" and a local newspaper, Minivan News, discovered it.
The resort claims to be a place where couples can renew their vows "hand in hand against a golden sunset background."
The package that the couple bought is said to be worth over one thousand pounds
see the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5H64OOkeXA
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Winner of the 2010 Big Brother Africa
The winner of the big brother Africa 2010 has just been announced on M Net Movies TV, and the Nigerian UTI is the winner!
Country = Nigeria
Hometown = Lagos
Occupation = Actor, TV Presenter and Model
Biography = Full of surprises, Uti describes himself as understanding and admits to talking too much when excited. He hates it when "people try to list your faults even though they have their own! " This Season he plans to show the audience who he really is, and take another crack at the cash.
Uti's Secret = He was a Britney Spears Fan
Recap = Uti previously competed in Big Brother Africa 3 where he finished in tenth place after becoming the third housemate to be evicted on Day 42. Uti entered the house on Day 1.
Follow the link below to view Uti's gallery
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