Once upon a time, an alpinist after many years of preparation engaged to realize his dream, to climb up a very high mountain, he wanted the glory all for himself that he decided to go alone,
The time passed quickly and the darkness surprise him, having not the necessary to camp up there he decided to pursuit his mountain climbing,
An intense darkness prevented him from seeing his way, the cloud hided the moon and the stars,
He was nearly to the top when the inevitable was produced, he lost his part and fall to destruction, he had no time to see some blocks of darkness passing and realized he was swallowed by the empty spaces, the principle events of his life passed rapidly before his eyes,
He saw death approaching when something nearly pierced his stomach, he just arrived at the end of the rope which he fasten an extremity to a rock, and the hook luckily resisted,
He took a breath and discovered he was still there, hanged in the darkness and absolute silence, at a point of desperation,
He cried out
My God, come to my aide!!!
Suddenly a deep and heavy voice pierced the silence:
What do you want me to do? ‘‘Said the voice''
The man responded;
Save me, my God!!!
‘‘The voice''
Do you really believe I could save you?
‘‘The Alpinist''
Certainly Lord!!!
‘‘The voice''
In that case, cut the rope that holds you!!!
He took a moment of hesitation and still hanged more desperately to his rope,
The survey team said that the following morning they found the alpinist death,
Cold cached him and in his hands he was holding desperately to his rope,
Only at 2 meters to the ground!!!

And you, would you cut the rope?
In life, we need to take some decisions that put our faith to test, and you? You who counts a lot on your ropes… will you accept to cut them?
Everyday, we have to revive our faith and note this prayer of prophet Isaiah ‘‘The Lord our God holds us by the hand and says, Fear not, I am with you’’