We all know that “man bites dog” is a better story than “dog bites man”. Obviously a dog is more likely to bite a bloke than a bloke is to have a gnash at Rover. So it’s no surprise that some of your favourite stories of the year were peculiar, to say the least. There’s the traffic jam that lasted over a week, the Colombian woman who woke up in a mortuary, the yogi who doesn’t eat (or drink or do number twos), and the horrific story of a 26-year-old man having a baby with his own grandma. All human life is here, and how.
Some of these stories might set off your cow manure alarms, but most of them are verifiably true, and really quite extraordinary. Come with us into a journey of the strange, the silly and the downright unbelievable, as we reveal the top 10 Yahoo! News Oddly Enough stories of 2010. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you might also feel a little bit unpleasant …
1. Mother and great-grandmother to the same kid
What is it with you people? The top Oddly Enough story on Yahoo! this year was the, frankly disturbing, story of a grandma having a baby with her own grandson. You clicked it, you can’t unclick it.
The story is that 26-year-old Phil Bailey, from Indiana USA, is having a child with his 72-year-old grandma Pearl Carter. But the child will not be the product of incestuous union – after all, the oldest natural mother on record is thought to be Dawn Brooke, a Briton who gave birth at the age of 59, although Spaniard Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara gave birth after an assisted pregnancy at the age of 66. Instead, the baby’s genetic mother will be a surrogate, Roxanne
Campbell, 30, who has reportedly been paid $54,000 to deliver the baby.
The story first surfaced in New Idea, a New Zealand-based glossy weekly magazine, and was reported globally in April this year. But since then, despite the lurid subject matter, not much has been reported about the odd couple. When is the baby actually due? Will smiling Pearl eagerly attend her kid’s high school graduation, at the age of 91? And will she join her child for its first legal drink when she’s 94? It’s hard to say.
We wait with bated breath for the outcome of the story. But will it turn out to be too sick to be true? Pearl gave good quote: “For the first time in years, I felt sexually alive”, as did Phil: “We get laughed and bullied when we go out and kiss in public but we don’t care”. But you can’t help but hope that this whole sick affair is a hoax.
You can read the full story on the Sky News website.
2. Perhaps she’s just a zombie?
The dead coming back to life is the premise of thousands of horror movies and spine-chillers. So funeral home worker Jaime Aullon got the shock of his life when the corpse he was about to embalm started moving. He was about to administer the formaldehyde when he noticed the deceased’s midriff quivering. The ‘deceased’, Noelia Serna, 45, had been pronounced dead at Cali
Hospital in Colombia, after suffering a heart attack.
Dr. Miguel Angel Saavedra of the Cali Hospital had monitored the patient with electronic devices but could find no trace of a heartbeat or arterial tension, and declared Ms Serna dead. Her body was duly dispatched to the undertakers.
Aullon told reporters: “I placed my hand [on her nose] and I felt her breathing. I told my partner that she should go back to hospital because she is alive.”
It’s believed that Ms Serna’s miraculous recovery was an example of ‘Lazarus Syndrome’, a phenomenon that has been recorded in medical literature around 25 times since 1982. So called because of the New Testament tale of Lazarus – who was raised from the dead by Jesus – the syndrome is extremely rare and not greatly understood. Some doctors believe that over-stimulation of the heart during CPR (cardiopulmonary respiration) can cause a build up of pressure that ceases electrical activity.
When the pressure is released the heart expands, re-triggering the heartbeat.
That’s the scientific theory, at least. But there’s always the possibility that she’s actually a zombie.
3. The Atkins Diet is for wimps
An 83-year-old Indian man claims not to have eaten since World War II. For the past seven decades Prahlad Jani, has survived on nothing but air.
Most normal mortals get their energy by metabolising carbohydrates from the food that they eat. But Jani gets his ’energy’ through meditation.
His miraculous fasting led the Indian military to study Jani to see if he could hold the secrets that could help soldiers to survive for longer in hostile environments – or help astronauts survive on long journeys to other planets.
A team of scientists observed the bearded yogi for three weeks in a hospital in Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India. He was under constant surveillance, and doctors say he didn’t eat or drink anything (or, indeed, go to the toilet) throughout this time. They claimed he was as fit as a 40-year-old man, and had the brain of a 25-year-old.
However the Medical Council of India has criticised the methodology used by Dr G. Ilavazahagan and his team, saying that they published their results too hastily. And the Indian Rationalist Society’s Sanal Edamaruku poured scorn on Jani’s claims in an interview with Indian television, in which he said requests for independent monitoring of the tests on Jani were repeatedly denied.
The study’s findings have yet to be published in any peer-reviewed medical journal.
Jani attributes his magical power to a visitation from a goddess, who blessed him at the age of eight.
4. The bitter taste of €10,000
What would you do if you won the lottery? Chances are you wouldn’t eat the winning ticket and forfeit your prize. But that’s exactly what happened on a Ryanair flight from Krakow in Poland to East Midlands Airport.
The no-frills airline sells branded scratchcards on its flights offering a top prize of a luxury car or €40,000 in cash. An unnamed man bought such a ticket on this flight, scratched off the panels, and discovered he’d won €10,000.
He reportedly became annoyed when cabin crew told him they couldn’t give him his prize in cash, there and then, and that he’d have to send the ticket in for verification. In protest, he proceeded to eat the ticket.
A Ryanair spokesperson said: “Yesterday’s events prove that while Ryanair’s scratchcards offer large cash prizes, they clearly taste great too.”
The airline has said that it would donate the unclaimed €10,000 prize to a charity chosen by visitors to its website.
However some bloggers doubt the authenticity of the story. It first broke on a gambling website, and was soon picked up by trusted news sources around the world.
But, given that there are no named witnesses – and Ryanair’s love of headline-grabbing publicity, good or bad – many people will find a handful of scratchcards easier to swallow than this story.
5. White baby born to black parents
All parents fear a mix-up in the maternity ward. But there was no mix-up for Angela and Ben Ihegbro. The black couple, from Woolwich in south London, were amazed when Angela, 35, gave birth to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white baby.
Nmachi Ihegboro was born at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup, Kent. It’s not unheard-of for mixed-race couples of West Indian origin to have children of significantly different colour – because of white ancestry – but Angela and Ihegbro are of Nigerian origin, and are not aware of any mixed-race family history.
Furthermore, doctors insist that baby Nmachi is not an albino because she has pigmentation in her eyes and hair.
Professor Brian Sykes, head of Human Genetics at Oxford University, believes the unusual condition is the result of an undocumented form of genetic mutation.
Nmachi’s, which means “beauty of God” in Nigerian, joins sisters Chisom, four, and Dunebi, two.
Angela Ihegbro told The Sun newspaper: “Nmachi’s colour doesn’t matter. She’s a miracle baby. But still, what on earth happened here?”
That was surely a question that popped into Ben’s head at the moment of birth. But he doesn’t suspect any wrongdoing. “Of course, she’s mine,” he told the newspaper, “my wife is true to me. Even if she hadn’t been, the baby still wouldn’t look like that.”
6. Don’t try this at home
Boffin chef Heston Blumenthal cooks snails in porridge. And viewers of ITV’s ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ have grown used to the sight of creepy-crawlies being gobbled up in the Australian jungle for “bush tucker trials”. But one Australian man will rue the day he tried to follow in their footsteps.
The 21-year old man from Sydney, who has not been named, ate two slugs as a dare. This back garden prank saw him admitted to hospital for a month, including stints in intensive care.
Health experts have warned that not all gastropods are gastronomic delights, after the man contracted the rat lungworm parasite from the slugs.
The disease, which is similar to meningitis, is transferred to slugs and snails from rodent faeces, and its symptoms include headaches, fever, a stiff neck, and vomiting.
The man has since recovered, but the disease can lead to permanent brain damage, and is sometimes fatal.
The disease is rare and isn’t infectious – but it can also be caught by eating raw fruit and vegetables that haven’t been properly washed. So it isn’t only contracted by idiots.
7. It’s a boy! It’s a huge boy!
April saw the birth of a real-life baby who could give George Dawes a run for his money in the “big baby” stakes. Sharon Needham, 35, gave birth to 13lb 8oz (6.3kg) Harry at Doncaster’s Royal Infirmary.
The giant newborn was so big he had to be delivered by caesarean section, and is the largest baby to have been delivered at the hospital since records began.
It took three medical staff to lift the baby from his mother’s womb.
They joked that the umbilical cord was more like a fireman’s hose.
But Harry’s not Britain’s heaviest-ever baby: that record is held by Guy Warwick Carr who weighed 15lb 8oz (7kg) when he was born in Cumbria in 1992.
Harry’s size has meant that parents Sharon Needham and Paul Crossland had to buy clothes meant for three to six-month-old babies.
Ms Needham was unable to walk for a week before the birth. Having had four previous children, she realised that there was something different about this pregnancy.
She puts Harry’s extraordinary size down to her massive cravings for roast beef, steak pies, and steak and chips during his gestation.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the heaviest baby ever born was delivered by Anna Bates in Canada, in 1879. Sadly the 23lb (10kg) baby died 11 hours after birth.
You can read the full story on the Sky News website.
8. On a road to nowhere
Next time you complain about near-stationary traffic on the M25, or the agonies of junctions 9 to 11 on the M6, spare a thought for the poor drivers on the National Highway 110 Beijing-Tibet Expressway in China, who got stuck in a 100km-long traffic jam that lasted for nine days in August.
Drivers reported that at points it took four hours to drive half a kilometre and, at its worst point, the tailback was advancing at a mere two kilometres per day.
Enterprising vendors set up food and drink stalls by the side of the road to service the needs of stranded drivers, capitalising on the captive market by selling overpriced noodles. While motorists found ingenious ways to deal with the absence of washrooms.
Traffic jams aren’t unusual in Beijing but have been exacerbated by a growth in road freight and a series of roadworks. “If there was no traffic jam in the city, that would be news,” said Niu Fengru, director of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Science told China’s Global Times. The academic also blamed poor road planning.
The jam was compounded by abandoned and broken-down cars that had overheated. But, thanks to the booming Chinese economy, there are many more new and reliable cars on the road. Ten years ago the jam could have been even worse.
Although it was predicted that the jam might last a month, traffic started to flow more freely from August 24, ten days after the bottleneck started.
9. That’s it, I’m off, Byeeee!
Who’d be a flight steward, eh? You know that passengers are statistically more likely to be injured while the plane is taxiing on the ground than in flight. But the passengers see asphalt and ignore the “do not remove your safety belt” signs. You can try to tell them to sit, but will they listen?
Such was the state of affairs when JetBlue airways flight 1052 from Pittsburgh touched down at New York’s JFK airport on August 9, 2010. After telling passengers to remain in their seats, flight attendant Steven Slater was allegedly smacked in the head with a bag being retrieved from an overhead locker by a passenger.
Slater demanded the passenger apologise and was told to “flip off” – or words to that effect.
As a result, 38-year old Slater took to the Embraer 190’s PA system. Using some rather fruity language of his own, he went on to say, “I’ve been in this business 20 years. And that’s it, I’m done.”
He then threw off his tie, grabbed a beer, engaged the inflatable emergency slide, and made a dramatic exit from the aircraft. He walked to the staff car park and drove home to Queens, where he was later arrested.
Slater has since become something of a celebrity in the US, where his actions have polarised opinion.
A recovering alcoholic, Slater has admitted that he’d had “a sip or two” before the incident. He has escaped jail but has been ordered to pay $10,000 towards the $25,000 cost of repairing the slide.
10. Newsreader chokes on insect, live
Perhaps as a child you thought the story of the old lady who swallowed a fly was a bit far-fetched? It’s not like swallowing a fly is likely to do major damage. Clearly, by the time she goes as far as swallowing a cat, you think: “Yes, that might cause her to be really unwell”. But “perhaps she’ll die”? After swallowing a fly? You suspect that the song’s writer just found an easy rhyme and stuck with it.
Truth proved stranger than fiction in July, when a humble insect caused a Taiwanese newsreader to spend a day in A&E.
The pesky mosquito flew straight into her mouth while she was delivering a live bulletin. A consummate professional, Huang Ching continued to broadcast as if nothing had happened. She later remarked that it would have been “impolite” to spit it out.
But when she began to choke, bosses at the China Television Co cut to the ad-break so she could get medical help, and so that they could draft in a replacement presenter.
The flying pest got lodged on her windpipe, causing her to have a major asthma attack. Fortunately the mosquito didn’t do any major damage, and the newsreader was released from hospital the next day. “I never expected a mosquito to have such a great power.
It really gave me a bad day,” Ching told the China Times. But, we suspect, it was a much worse day for the mosquito.
You can watch the video here.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Nigerian Super Falcons clinch AWC 2010 crown
Nigeria won the African Women's Championship title on Sunday after beating Equatorial Guinea 4-2 in the final in South Africa.
A late flurry of goals helped the Super Falcons to seal their seventh title.
The brave Guinean ladies were undone by two own-goals that robbed them of the chance of retaining the title.
The brave Guinean ladies were undone by two own-goals that robbed them of the chance of retaining the title.
Tournament's top scorer Perpetua Nkwocha put Nigeria in the lead on seven minutes after dominating the early exchanges.
The Super Falcons' lead triggered an Equatorial Guinea revival and Carolina Parreira drew them level in the 66th minute.
Ugochi Oparanozie restored Nigeria's lead 11 minutes later with a powerful header.
The Super Falcons extended their lead when Ghislaine Nke inadvertently put the ball into her own net to make it 3-1.
Moments later Jada Sayo restored hope for Equatorial Guinea with a strike but when Parreira scored an own goal late in the goal, Nigeria sealed their win.
Meanwhile, hosts South Africa beat Cameroon 2-0 to finish third in the tournament.
Bayana Bayana dominated the early exchanges and deservedly took the lead on eight minutes when Nocawe Skiti.
Bayana Bayana dominated the early exchanges and deservedly took the lead on eight minutes when Nocawe Skiti.
Skiti pounced after Nthabeleng Modiko's near perfect free kick smacked against the cross bar.
Amanda Dlamini doubled the home side's lead 30 minutes from Mamello Makhabane's perfect corner kick.
Amanda Dlamini doubled the home side's lead 30 minutes from Mamello Makhabane's perfect corner kick.
South Africa coach Augustine Makalakalane was delighted with the support fans had given the home side.
"I'm happy for the support the people came out and gave us, and the players stayed motivated," Makalakalane.
"I think my outstanding player has been the 21 players in the squad, they've played well and given their best."
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Miss Botswana Emma Wareus takes second place spot at the Miss World 2010 finale
Close but not Quite! Miss Botswana Emma Wareus takes second place spot at the Miss World 2010 finale
The finale of the 2010 Miss World competition took place in Sanya, China on Saturday, 30th October 2010. 18-year-old, Alexandria Mills from the United States of America was crowned as the winner. However, it was a close call as one of the African queens, Emma Wareus of Botswana was the 1st Runner Up and Adriana Vasini of Venezuela was chosen as the 2nd Runner Up.
Among the Top 25 were several other African contestants including Miss Kenya, Miss South Africa and Miss Namibia.
The contestants have all been in Sanya over the last couple of weeks and have taken part in various mini-competitions including the Miss World Sportswoman and Miss World Top Model ‘fast track’ events. Miss Kenya, Natasha Metto won the ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ competition for her Miss Kenya project. She is currently working with Miss Kenya 2005 to create awareness to help treat the jigger worm epidemic in Kenya.
Though the Nigerian representative, Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2010 – Fiona Afoma Amuzie did not win the competition, Nigeria was well-represented as Miss World 2001, Agbani Darego, was one of the judges.
Better luck to Nigeria next time and congrats to Miss Botswana – Emma Wareus.
The Day After the Miss World 2010 pageant
follow the link bellow to see the news and other pics at
Friday, 29 October 2010
Maldives arrest marriage celebrant after 'hate' ceremony
by Amal Jayasinghe
Police in the Maldives have arrested a marriage celebrant who abused a foreign couple as "swine" and "infidels" during a luxury ceremony in the holiday paradise, an official said.
Maldivian police spokesman Ahmed Shiyam said the celebrant, who conducted the ceremony in the local language at an upmarket resort fringed by white sand and turquoise water, had been arrested with another hotel employee on Thursday.
A video of the ceremony, during which the hapless couple are taunted and subjected to a series of insulting and religious-tinged abuse, was posted on YouTube and has sparked fears for the country's tourism-dependent economy.
The hotel had initially identified the victims as Swiss, but a highly placed tourism source in the Maldives told AFP said they were in fact French. Police declined to confirm their nationality.
"We started investigations and treat this as a very serious matter," Shiyam told AFP by telephone when contacted in the capital island Male.
He said the two men were taken before a magistrate who ordered them to be detained for five days. "Both are being held at a police station in Male," he added.
Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed announced his government will introduce strict guidelines on conducting wedding ceremonies in his nation of tiny coral islands which is known as a top honeymoon destination.
British comic Russell Brand and US pop star Katy Perry are the latest celebrities to head to the Indian Ocean nation for a honeymoon after tying the knot in India last weekend.
"All tourist hotels without exception will be required to follow the new guidelines which will be issued shortly," the president's office said in a statement.
Nasheed expressed "disgust" at the incident and described the behaviour of those involved as "absolutely disgraceful," the statement said.
He appealed to hotel staff to be "vigilantly professional" and said "bad behaviour, such as that depicted in the YouTube video, can cause enormous damage to the country's tourism industry."
The ceremony took place earlier this month, but a video of it was posted on the Internet by another hotel employee five days ago and since gone viral.
The Vilu Reef hotel, where the ceremony took place, said it was "unforgivable" that a staff member had read out the sexual and religious slurs in the Dhivehi language and apologised for his conduct.
"You are swine," the couple were told. "The children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine.
"Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel and, we have reason to believe, an atheist."
The wife, wearing a white dress and carrying a bouquet, and her husband smile shyly through the ceremony, which was to renew their marriage vows at a cost of 1,300 dollars.
In front of a table decorated with incense sticks, the English-speaking couple bow their heads in prayer through the torrent of accusations, curses and swearing from the celebrant.
At the end of the 15-minute routine, they exchange rings as the staff clap, before heading onto the beach to plant a coconut tree in the sand.
The Islamic republic of the Maldives, a nation of palm-fringed islands scattered in the Indian Ocean, is one of the world's most exclusive honeymoon destinations and its economy relies heavily on tourism.
The video, which contains English subtitles of abusive language, can be seen at:
Maldives wedding ceremony
Police in the Maldives have arrested a marriage celebrant who abused a foreign couple as "swine" and "infidels" during a luxury ceremony in the holiday paradise, an official said.
Maldivian police spokesman Ahmed Shiyam said the celebrant, who conducted the ceremony in the local language at an upmarket resort fringed by white sand and turquoise water, had been arrested with another hotel employee on Thursday.
A video of the ceremony, during which the hapless couple are taunted and subjected to a series of insulting and religious-tinged abuse, was posted on YouTube and has sparked fears for the country's tourism-dependent economy.
The hotel had initially identified the victims as Swiss, but a highly placed tourism source in the Maldives told AFP said they were in fact French. Police declined to confirm their nationality.
"We started investigations and treat this as a very serious matter," Shiyam told AFP by telephone when contacted in the capital island Male.
He said the two men were taken before a magistrate who ordered them to be detained for five days. "Both are being held at a police station in Male," he added.
Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed announced his government will introduce strict guidelines on conducting wedding ceremonies in his nation of tiny coral islands which is known as a top honeymoon destination.
British comic Russell Brand and US pop star Katy Perry are the latest celebrities to head to the Indian Ocean nation for a honeymoon after tying the knot in India last weekend.
"All tourist hotels without exception will be required to follow the new guidelines which will be issued shortly," the president's office said in a statement.
Nasheed expressed "disgust" at the incident and described the behaviour of those involved as "absolutely disgraceful," the statement said.
He appealed to hotel staff to be "vigilantly professional" and said "bad behaviour, such as that depicted in the YouTube video, can cause enormous damage to the country's tourism industry."
The ceremony took place earlier this month, but a video of it was posted on the Internet by another hotel employee five days ago and since gone viral.
The Vilu Reef hotel, where the ceremony took place, said it was "unforgivable" that a staff member had read out the sexual and religious slurs in the Dhivehi language and apologised for his conduct.
"You are swine," the couple were told. "The children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine.
"Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel and, we have reason to believe, an atheist."
The wife, wearing a white dress and carrying a bouquet, and her husband smile shyly through the ceremony, which was to renew their marriage vows at a cost of 1,300 dollars.
In front of a table decorated with incense sticks, the English-speaking couple bow their heads in prayer through the torrent of accusations, curses and swearing from the celebrant.
At the end of the 15-minute routine, they exchange rings as the staff clap, before heading onto the beach to plant a coconut tree in the sand.
The Islamic republic of the Maldives, a nation of palm-fringed islands scattered in the Indian Ocean, is one of the world's most exclusive honeymoon destinations and its economy relies heavily on tourism.
The video, which contains English subtitles of abusive language, can be seen at:
Maldives wedding ceremony
Couple mocked as they renew marriage vows in Maldives
A couple looking to renew their marriage vows in the Maldives were called "swine" and "infidels" by the hotel staff officiating the ceremony.
LMFAO does it mean the couple did not understand him or what?
They were not even surprised at all and I can hear some laughing after his pronouncements.
Oh no! This is haraam
And if they do not understand; means they are not Islamic… then why going to the Islamic to pronounce their marriage?
I posted this blog that you may see, pity this couple, reason on what an Islamic life is and finally… drop your comments.
Never forget to take precaution through what happened to others.
Look folks: never say amen when prayers are said in a strange language.
This is a total abuse on this couple; finally it’s not amusing and if this couple will see this here any day, how do you think they will feel being abused, insulted and cursed by those they have trusted?
It is quite unjust
If anyone will do this on an Islamic or say rubbish about the Islamic world… they will lift up bands and menaces all over the world, but see what a group of people could assemble and agree to do to their strangers.
They are heartless.
They were not even surprised at all and I can hear some laughing after his pronouncements.
Oh no! This is haraam
And if they do not understand; means they are not Islamic… then why going to the Islamic to pronounce their marriage?
I posted this blog that you may see, pity this couple, reason on what an Islamic life is and finally… drop your comments.
Never forget to take precaution through what happened to others.
Look folks: never say amen when prayers are said in a strange language.
This is a total abuse on this couple; finally it’s not amusing and if this couple will see this here any day, how do you think they will feel being abused, insulted and cursed by those they have trusted?
It is quite unjust
If anyone will do this on an Islamic or say rubbish about the Islamic world… they will lift up bands and menaces all over the world, but see what a group of people could assemble and agree to do to their strangers.
They are heartless.
follow the news and links bellow....
The video (in the youtube link bellow) that seems to have been filmed by a member of staff at the Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort was supposed to be a traditional Maldivan ceremony conducted in Dhivehi.
One man (the coordinator) said to the couple: "Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel."
The footage was leaked onto YouTube as "a joke" and a local newspaper, Minivan News, discovered it.
The resort claims to be a place where couples can renew their vows "hand in hand against a golden sunset background."
The package that the couple bought is said to be worth over one thousand pounds
see the video at
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Winner of the 2010 Big Brother Africa
The winner of the big brother Africa 2010 has just been announced on M Net Movies TV, and the Nigerian UTI is the winner!
Country = Nigeria
Hometown = Lagos
Occupation = Actor, TV Presenter and Model
Biography = Full of surprises, Uti describes himself as understanding and admits to talking too much when excited. He hates it when "people try to list your faults even though they have their own! " This Season he plans to show the audience who he really is, and take another crack at the cash.
Uti's Secret = He was a Britney Spears Fan
Recap = Uti previously competed in Big Brother Africa 3 where he finished in tenth place after becoming the third housemate to be evicted on Day 42. Uti entered the house on Day 1.
Follow the link below to view Uti's gallery
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Lari Williams disowns Nollywood
Veteran actor and pioneer president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria(AGN), Mr Lari Williams hasdisowned the name Nollywood, saying that “it has no relevance to the film industry in Nigeria.”
He also frowned at the protracted crisis rocking the Actors Guild of Nigeria(AGN).The veteran actor described the crisis as “meaningless and unfortunate.”
Lari, in a chat with HVP during the week suggested the adopting of of Kanwood in place of Nollywood, arguing that Kanwood as a care skin tree has more relevance to the industry than Nollywood.
He also frowned at the protracted crisis rocking the Actors Guild of Nigeria(AGN).The veteran actor described the crisis as “meaningless and unfortunate.”
Lari, in a chat with HVP during the week suggested the adopting of of Kanwood in place of Nollywood, arguing that Kanwood as a care skin tree has more relevance to the industry than Nollywood.
“I have always had issues with the name Nollywood. It has no meaning to the industry. I suggest that we adopt the name Kanwood because it has a meaning. Kanwood is for skin care , and skin has to do with make-up and make-up is an artiste thing. ” he posited.
The veteran actor further argued that Hollywood as a film city in the United States, was built at a place called Hollywood.
Reviewing the lingering crisis in AGN, Lari who’s currently a Senior lecturer at the Department of Theatre Arts, University of Calabar said given the crisis, the present AGN is far from being the same AGN that he presided over its affairs several years ago.
He took a quick swipe at immediate and remote causes of the crisis, wondering why some people should be fighting over the leadership of the guild.
In his words, “I am not happy with the crisis that is rocking the actors’ guild. The people who are fighting over the leadership of the guild have nothing to offer to the guild.Since after my exit, what new innovation have they brought to the guild.”
He said, while he was the president of AGN, he led the guild on a courtesy visit to then, Inspector General of Police, and also the Senate President to discuss the existence of the body during his tenure as AGN president.
The veteran actor further argued that Hollywood as a film city in the United States, was built at a place called Hollywood.
Reviewing the lingering crisis in AGN, Lari who’s currently a Senior lecturer at the Department of Theatre Arts, University of Calabar said given the crisis, the present AGN is far from being the same AGN that he presided over its affairs several years ago.
He took a quick swipe at immediate and remote causes of the crisis, wondering why some people should be fighting over the leadership of the guild.
In his words, “I am not happy with the crisis that is rocking the actors’ guild. The people who are fighting over the leadership of the guild have nothing to offer to the guild.Since after my exit, what new innovation have they brought to the guild.”
He said, while he was the president of AGN, he led the guild on a courtesy visit to then, Inspector General of Police, and also the Senate President to discuss the existence of the body during his tenure as AGN president.
After 19 kids from 7 women, Lebarty marries first wife
Twenty-five years after fathering nineteen children from seven different women, the self acclaimed lover boy of the Nigerian music industry, Felix Lebarty is married.
He wedded Rosemary, mother of his first four children (two boys and two girls) in a private ceremony that was attended by his children and close family friends.
The marriage according to 24 year old Ivie Lebarty, his first daughter and a Church worker at the UK branch of the Christ Embassy Church ‘was initiated by us the children’.
‘We felt there was need for our father to make good his claim that he had received Christ in his life by marrying our mother. And he did just that to the glory of the lord.
And as you can see we are home in Nigeria today, to celebrate a reunion between our dad, mum and my little baby who is officially my parents’ first grand child’ and elated told Showtime over the phone.
A remorseful Felix Lebarty who also spoke to Showtime over the phone said he had no apologies for fathering children from different women stating that, ‘they are the beautiful gifts God gave to me’.
But the Benin, Edo state-born musician who shot into national prominence with the release of his debut album on Tabansi Records titled Lover Boy which included the hit track Ngozi has one regret, his inability to provide love and care, financial support to his children.
Continuing, the born again musician, who pastors his own Church, warned the youth against towing his kind of lifestyle stating that those, who live a Christless life would definitely end up with life in crisis.
At the peak of his fame this reporter recalled, Felix had four children from Rosemary his first love, three girls from his affair with Mary (a set of twins and a girl) and three boys from his affair with woman number three, Unoma.
Unoma was the lady that featured in the Ifeoma video and the woman responsible for the break up between the musician and his first love Rosemary.
Felix also had relationship with Auchi, Edo State born Cordelia (which produced a boy and a girl) and Adesuwa who had a son Destiny.
Unfinished yet with his philandering, Felix also fathered children by Zainab who produced a boy and girl, and finally Helen, who brought up the rear with four girls.
He wedded Rosemary, mother of his first four children (two boys and two girls) in a private ceremony that was attended by his children and close family friends.
The marriage according to 24 year old Ivie Lebarty, his first daughter and a Church worker at the UK branch of the Christ Embassy Church ‘was initiated by us the children’.
‘We felt there was need for our father to make good his claim that he had received Christ in his life by marrying our mother. And he did just that to the glory of the lord.
And as you can see we are home in Nigeria today, to celebrate a reunion between our dad, mum and my little baby who is officially my parents’ first grand child’ and elated told Showtime over the phone.
A remorseful Felix Lebarty who also spoke to Showtime over the phone said he had no apologies for fathering children from different women stating that, ‘they are the beautiful gifts God gave to me’.
But the Benin, Edo state-born musician who shot into national prominence with the release of his debut album on Tabansi Records titled Lover Boy which included the hit track Ngozi has one regret, his inability to provide love and care, financial support to his children.
Felix Lebarty and Ivie... Lebarty’s daughter
“My regret till dates is my inability to provide, love, care and financial support to all of my children and this hurts. Every time I see them, I always beg for their forgiveness because of my shortcoming.”
Sober and humbled by his past mistakes, a repentant Lebarty disclosed that “when a man goes against the tenets of the Bible that he marries only one wife, destruction awaits such persons at the end of the day.
But I thank God for pulling me out of the pit of destruction and giving me a
Sober and humbled by his past mistakes, a repentant Lebarty disclosed that “when a man goes against the tenets of the Bible that he marries only one wife, destruction awaits such persons at the end of the day.
But I thank God for pulling me out of the pit of destruction and giving me a
second chance.”
Continuing, the born again musician, who pastors his own Church, warned the youth against towing his kind of lifestyle stating that those, who live a Christless life would definitely end up with life in crisis.
At the peak of his fame this reporter recalled, Felix had four children from Rosemary his first love, three girls from his affair with Mary (a set of twins and a girl) and three boys from his affair with woman number three, Unoma.
Unoma was the lady that featured in the Ifeoma video and the woman responsible for the break up between the musician and his first love Rosemary.
Felix also had relationship with Auchi, Edo State born Cordelia (which produced a boy and a girl) and Adesuwa who had a son Destiny.
Unfinished yet with his philandering, Felix also fathered children by Zainab who produced a boy and girl, and finally Helen, who brought up the rear with four girls.
Six hours with soldiers in pursuit of kidnappers in Aba
By Anayo Okoli
THURSDAY, October 14, 2010 was a memorable day for a group of journalists, including this reporter, who elected to join the military task force operating in Abia state to flush criminals elements, that had held the state hostage paralysing Aba, the commercial capital of the city.
The journalists had assembled at the Ngwa High School Camp of the soldiers for the eye-witness account of the operation of the task force.
The journalists had assembled at the Camp by 10am and waited till about 12pm when the Assistant Director of Army Public Relations, 82 Division, Enugu, Lt. Col. Kabir Musa, who led the journalists to the bush arrived from the Asa High School Military Base. However, while we were waiting for Musa, it was observed that there were some suspected kidnappers already arrested who were being screened at the Camp.
They were led out from where they were kept for screening by the officers in charge.
At about 12.15pm, herding the journalists in four of the military trucks recently given to the task force by Governor Theodore Orji for the operation, with some soldiers joining in each of the truck, the journey into the kidnappers den began. Led by an Armoured Personnel Carrier [APC], the convoy moved to the admiration of Aba residents, who were happy that life was returning to the bubbling city that was until two weeks ago virtually a ghost town as residents left the city in droves and kidnappers ruled
Surprisingly, while the soldiers were busy restoring life and order to the city, policemen in the city were busy collecting money from motorists and tricycle operators. In fact as the convoy moved from one town to another passing the Obingwa area, which was our first port of call, some residents shouted that policemen should be removed from the city and replaced with soldiers.
From Aba the convoy moved through the bad road between thick forests to Ogbuala village Mgboko. As the convoy moved from village to village, the few people we saw were downcast . Unlike the people of Aba city who were cheering the soldiers, there was no sign of joy in them, an indication that the soldiers had come to destroy their business.
Through pa th ways, which all look alike, we arrived at the house of a native doctor who prepared charms for the kidnappers. A moderate modern house, with a sign post “Ugochinyere Trado Clinic”, the man was said to have abandoned the house when the task force entered the village.
According to Lt. Col. Musa, the kidnappers divided Abia state into groups with each group led by kidnapping kingpin, Obioma Nwankwo [Osisikankwu] who has been declared wanted by the police as the overall leader.
The Aba-Port Harcourt axis very notorious for the activities of kidnappers was under the control of a kingpin known as SUSU who was said to be very dangerous and ruthless.
So from the native doctor’s house, the convoy moved to Susu’s Camp, in Umuezi, few kilometers from the native doctor’s house. It was of great interest that as we passed from village to village in this Mgboko, it was like a ghost town as it was said that the inhabitants had all fled, both old and young when the soldiers invaded them.
As you approached Susu’s Camp, which shared a wall with St. Michael’s Catholic Church, and opposite a primary school, which from indications, had been abandoned due to the activities of these hoodlums, we saw expended shell of ammunitions scattered both inside the classrooms and on the field.
There were empty bottles of choice wines, canned beer of various brands, used packets of condom, empty packets of different bands of cigarettes, scattered both inside the class rooms and on the field. From what was observed around the house, it was certain that the hoodlums lived flamboyantly , perhaps from proceeds of the lucrative business where millions of Naria were being paid by victims as ransom.
Inside Susu’s house a very modern house with expensive POP ceiling, which served as his Camp headquarters, and has been destroyed by the task force, empty cases of expended ammunitions were scattered both inside and outside the house.
Described as a very dangerous bank armed robber, a big bank save was discovered where it was buried in a shallow hole at the back of the house bordered a very thick forest. The save was believed to have been brought there by Susu and his group perhaps in one their numerous bank attacks in Aba. A rifle was also recovered in the house by the soldiers.
It is very interesting to note that at the point of entry to Susu’s Camp, is a check-point, well fortified with sand bags, which was being manned by some members of the hoodlums. They mounted a sign-post at the check-point with which they used to deceive people. It read:”Welcome to the Amnesty Camp, Abia state. Let peace reign”. This was a deceit and ploy to lure unsuspecting persons.
However, quite surprising and embarrassing was the suspected connivance of the pastor in charge of the Catholic church which shared a wall with the Camp. From the closeness of the church and the camp and juxtaposing it with illegal point mounted by the hoodlum’s right in front of the church, the task force suspected that the pastor could not claim ignorance of the activities of the hoodlums.
On account of this, the soldiers searched the pastor’s house and they were said to have recovered five expended cases of ammunition in a car parked in his house located at the back of the church. Of course the pastor whose name Musa did not recollect has been arrested and handed over to security agencies for interrogation.
The task force believed that it was “either that the pastor was with them or aiding them”. The kidnappers were also believed to be using the pastor’s only source of water which he made available through a tap extended outside by his wall.
It was clear evidence that Mgboko village was deep into kidnapping business as through out the period we stayed in the Susu Camp and around we did not see any human being. We only saw dogs and cows mowing on the primary school field in front the church and opposite the Camp, which is a stone throw from the major road.
From there we drove again through the thick forests surrounding the villages back to Aba and on to Asa High School, on the Port Harcourt-Aba Express way. As we passed the centre of Aba, the residents jubilated.
At the camp, we saw 21 different of vehicles, including jeeps, and other exotic cars as well as buses which were either snatched by the hoodlums or belonged to kidnapped victims, some of who may have died.
They were recovered from the various bushes already combed by the soldiers.Motorists on the hitherto dangerous Aba-Port Harcourt road now ply the road with confidence. Their only problem remains the extortion by the numerous police check-points mounted at almost every two poles on the road.
With the on-going operation, it is hoped that in a couple of weeks all those that fled Aba will all return with their families and some good natives of the notorious Ngwa villages will return
THURSDAY, October 14, 2010 was a memorable day for a group of journalists, including this reporter, who elected to join the military task force operating in Abia state to flush criminals elements, that had held the state hostage paralysing Aba, the commercial capital of the city.
The journalists had assembled at the Ngwa High School Camp of the soldiers for the eye-witness account of the operation of the task force.
The journalists had assembled at the Camp by 10am and waited till about 12pm when the Assistant Director of Army Public Relations, 82 Division, Enugu, Lt. Col. Kabir Musa, who led the journalists to the bush arrived from the Asa High School Military Base. However, while we were waiting for Musa, it was observed that there were some suspected kidnappers already arrested who were being screened at the Camp.
They were led out from where they were kept for screening by the officers in charge.
At about 12.15pm, herding the journalists in four of the military trucks recently given to the task force by Governor Theodore Orji for the operation, with some soldiers joining in each of the truck, the journey into the kidnappers den began. Led by an Armoured Personnel Carrier [APC], the convoy moved to the admiration of Aba residents, who were happy that life was returning to the bubbling city that was until two weeks ago virtually a ghost town as residents left the city in droves and kidnappers ruled
Surprisingly, while the soldiers were busy restoring life and order to the city, policemen in the city were busy collecting money from motorists and tricycle operators. In fact as the convoy moved from one town to another passing the Obingwa area, which was our first port of call, some residents shouted that policemen should be removed from the city and replaced with soldiers.
From Aba the convoy moved through the bad road between thick forests to Ogbuala village Mgboko. As the convoy moved from village to village, the few people we saw were downcast . Unlike the people of Aba city who were cheering the soldiers, there was no sign of joy in them, an indication that the soldiers had come to destroy their business.
Through pa th ways, which all look alike, we arrived at the house of a native doctor who prepared charms for the kidnappers. A moderate modern house, with a sign post “Ugochinyere Trado Clinic”, the man was said to have abandoned the house when the task force entered the village.
According to Lt. Col. Musa, the kidnappers divided Abia state into groups with each group led by kidnapping kingpin, Obioma Nwankwo [Osisikankwu] who has been declared wanted by the police as the overall leader.
The Aba-Port Harcourt axis very notorious for the activities of kidnappers was under the control of a kingpin known as SUSU who was said to be very dangerous and ruthless.
So from the native doctor’s house, the convoy moved to Susu’s Camp, in Umuezi, few kilometers from the native doctor’s house. It was of great interest that as we passed from village to village in this Mgboko, it was like a ghost town as it was said that the inhabitants had all fled, both old and young when the soldiers invaded them.
As you approached Susu’s Camp, which shared a wall with St. Michael’s Catholic Church, and opposite a primary school, which from indications, had been abandoned due to the activities of these hoodlums, we saw expended shell of ammunitions scattered both inside the classrooms and on the field.
There were empty bottles of choice wines, canned beer of various brands, used packets of condom, empty packets of different bands of cigarettes, scattered both inside the class rooms and on the field. From what was observed around the house, it was certain that the hoodlums lived flamboyantly , perhaps from proceeds of the lucrative business where millions of Naria were being paid by victims as ransom.
Inside Susu’s house a very modern house with expensive POP ceiling, which served as his Camp headquarters, and has been destroyed by the task force, empty cases of expended ammunitions were scattered both inside and outside the house.
Described as a very dangerous bank armed robber, a big bank save was discovered where it was buried in a shallow hole at the back of the house bordered a very thick forest. The save was believed to have been brought there by Susu and his group perhaps in one their numerous bank attacks in Aba. A rifle was also recovered in the house by the soldiers.
It is very interesting to note that at the point of entry to Susu’s Camp, is a check-point, well fortified with sand bags, which was being manned by some members of the hoodlums. They mounted a sign-post at the check-point with which they used to deceive people. It read:”Welcome to the Amnesty Camp, Abia state. Let peace reign”. This was a deceit and ploy to lure unsuspecting persons.
However, quite surprising and embarrassing was the suspected connivance of the pastor in charge of the Catholic church which shared a wall with the Camp. From the closeness of the church and the camp and juxtaposing it with illegal point mounted by the hoodlum’s right in front of the church, the task force suspected that the pastor could not claim ignorance of the activities of the hoodlums.
On account of this, the soldiers searched the pastor’s house and they were said to have recovered five expended cases of ammunition in a car parked in his house located at the back of the church. Of course the pastor whose name Musa did not recollect has been arrested and handed over to security agencies for interrogation.
The task force believed that it was “either that the pastor was with them or aiding them”. The kidnappers were also believed to be using the pastor’s only source of water which he made available through a tap extended outside by his wall.
It was clear evidence that Mgboko village was deep into kidnapping business as through out the period we stayed in the Susu Camp and around we did not see any human being. We only saw dogs and cows mowing on the primary school field in front the church and opposite the Camp, which is a stone throw from the major road.
From there we drove again through the thick forests surrounding the villages back to Aba and on to Asa High School, on the Port Harcourt-Aba Express way. As we passed the centre of Aba, the residents jubilated.
At the camp, we saw 21 different of vehicles, including jeeps, and other exotic cars as well as buses which were either snatched by the hoodlums or belonged to kidnapped victims, some of who may have died.
They were recovered from the various bushes already combed by the soldiers.Motorists on the hitherto dangerous Aba-Port Harcourt road now ply the road with confidence. Their only problem remains the extortion by the numerous police check-points mounted at almost every two poles on the road.
With the on-going operation, it is hoped that in a couple of weeks all those that fled Aba will all return with their families and some good natives of the notorious Ngwa villages will return
SuBo Hopes Her Book 'Proves A Point'
Former Britain's Got Talent contestant Susan Boyle has said she wanted to write a book to prove she was "as good as anybody".
The Scottish singer appeared in central London at the launch of her autobiography The Woman I Was Born To Be.
Boyle, who is fondly known as SuBo, rose to fame after her first live audition for Britain's Got Talent became an internet hit.
Despite losing in the final to dance troupe Diversity, Boyle was signed to Simon Cowell's label and her debut album I Dreamed A Dream was a worldwide smash.
Her second album The Gift is due out next month.
Boyle's autobiography is described by her publisher as the "story of her life and the challenges she has struggled to overcome with faith, fortitude and an unfailing sense of humour".
Before signing copies for fans, she told Sky News she hoped the book "proved a point" that she is "as good as anybody else and I can keep going".
When asked what was next for her, she answered: "Who knows?"
Showbiz writer and debut novelist Martell Maxwell said while Boyle most likely had a ghostwriter, it did not hinder her story.
"Susan Boyle probably didn't write it but I think she's had an awful lot of input," she said.
"Reading it, I was struck by how personal it is - all the little details are there. I think she sat down with somebody for hours."
Boyle, who is fondly known as SuBo, rose to fame after her first live audition for Britain's Got Talent became an internet hit.
Despite losing in the final to dance troupe Diversity, Boyle was signed to Simon Cowell's label and her debut album I Dreamed A Dream was a worldwide smash.
Her second album The Gift is due out next month.
Boyle's autobiography is described by her publisher as the "story of her life and the challenges she has struggled to overcome with faith, fortitude and an unfailing sense of humour".
Before signing copies for fans, she told Sky News she hoped the book "proved a point" that she is "as good as anybody else and I can keep going".
When asked what was next for her, she answered: "Who knows?"
Showbiz writer and debut novelist Martell Maxwell said while Boyle most likely had a ghostwriter, it did not hinder her story.
"Susan Boyle probably didn't write it but I think she's had an awful lot of input," she said.
"Reading it, I was struck by how personal it is - all the little details are there. I think she sat down with somebody for hours."
Baby boy for Alicia Keys
It's a boy Alicia Keys and her husband, music producer/rapper Swizz Beatz.
Keys gave birth on Thursday night in New York and the couple have named their son Egypt Dean.
It's the first child for the superstar singer and the fourth child for Beatz, whose real name is Kaseem Dean.
The couple was married July 31.
Swizz Beats took time to tweet on Friday: "I'm so thankful for everything I been blessed with in my life wowwwwww!
Singer Mary J Blige also tweeted her congratulations on the birth.
It's the first child for the superstar singer and the fourth child for Beatz, whose real name is Kaseem Dean.
The couple was married July 31.
Swizz Beats took time to tweet on Friday: "I'm so thankful for everything I been blessed with in my life wowwwwww!
Singer Mary J Blige also tweeted her congratulations on the birth.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
World Cup 2010 - Nigeria suspend national team
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has suspended the national football team from international competition for two years following their poor performance in the World Cup.
"Mr President has directed that Nigeria will withdraw from all international football competition for the next two years to enable Nigeria to reorganise its football," Ima Niboro, Jonathan's senior communications adviser, said.
"This directive became necessary following Nigeria's poor performance in the ongoing FIFA World Cup," he said.
Nigeria were knocked out in the first round.
After meeting the country's World Cup organising committee, Jonathan also said the accounts of the committee should be audited.
"If any financial misappropriation is discovered, all officials responsible will be held accountable," Niboro said.
Jonathan's decision came a day after the executive committee of the Nigerian Football Federation met to review the team's first round exit, in which they picked up a single point and finished bottom of their group also containing South Korea, Greece and Argentina.
Niboro said the sports minister would be writing to FIFA shortly to inform them of the decision. He said the minister for the federal capital territory, Abuja, had been instructed to build a "Football House" where the team could be based.
"The problem of Nigerian football is structural. We need to reorganise the structures and there is need to withdraw from all international football competition so that we can put our house in order," Niboro said.
A statement said the federation apologised to the "federal government and all football-loving Nigerians for the early ouster of the Super Eagles from the World Cup" and added Nigeria would seek to play more friendly matches to get more experience.
"It's the right decision ... President Jonathan has made a bold step to clean up the rot. We need to move the country in football," John Fashanu, a former England footballer partly of Nigerian descent, told local sports radio.
"We cannot be held to ransom by anybody."
Some Super Eagles fans were shocked by the decision.
"Sounds to me like the president is trying to score cheap political points ... the next major international competition is two years away anyway," said one irate fan in Lagos, asking not to be named.
The NFF said it wanted Swedish coach Lars Lagerback, appointed on the eve of the finals, to stay and put together a wide-ranging programme to harness young talent.
The statement also said the federation disagreed with those claiming Nigerian soccer was in a dwindling state.
"No previous board has qualified Nigeria for all major tournaments internationally," the statement said.
The government instruction to withdraw could prompt sanctions from FIFA, who have taken a strong stand against political interference in the sport.
A FIFA spokesman said: "We have had no official information from the Nigerian FA about this case specifically but in general FIFA's policy towards political interference is well known. Our statutes do not allow for any political interference."
Nigerian sporting administrators have often been accused of corruption and incompetence and the federation was roundly criticised after sacking coach Shaibu Amodu in February, just four months before the World Cup finals.
Amodu was dismissed because Nigeria only managed to finish third at the Nations Cup finals in Angola in January.
Nigeria were banned by the Confederation of African Football in 1996 when then President Sani Abacha withdrew the team from the African Nations Cup finals in South Africa because he had been criticised by Nelson Mandela over the judicial execution of political opponents.
They could not compete in African competition for two years but were able to qualify for the 1998 World Cup in France.
The CAF refused to comment on the Nigerian president's decision when contacted on Wednesday.
"Mr President has directed that Nigeria will withdraw from all international football competition for the next two years to enable Nigeria to reorganise its football," Ima Niboro, Jonathan's senior communications adviser, said.
"This directive became necessary following Nigeria's poor performance in the ongoing FIFA World Cup," he said.
Nigeria were knocked out in the first round.
After meeting the country's World Cup organising committee, Jonathan also said the accounts of the committee should be audited.
"If any financial misappropriation is discovered, all officials responsible will be held accountable," Niboro said.
Jonathan's decision came a day after the executive committee of the Nigerian Football Federation met to review the team's first round exit, in which they picked up a single point and finished bottom of their group also containing South Korea, Greece and Argentina.
Niboro said the sports minister would be writing to FIFA shortly to inform them of the decision. He said the minister for the federal capital territory, Abuja, had been instructed to build a "Football House" where the team could be based.
"The problem of Nigerian football is structural. We need to reorganise the structures and there is need to withdraw from all international football competition so that we can put our house in order," Niboro said.
A statement said the federation apologised to the "federal government and all football-loving Nigerians for the early ouster of the Super Eagles from the World Cup" and added Nigeria would seek to play more friendly matches to get more experience.
"It's the right decision ... President Jonathan has made a bold step to clean up the rot. We need to move the country in football," John Fashanu, a former England footballer partly of Nigerian descent, told local sports radio.
"We cannot be held to ransom by anybody."
Some Super Eagles fans were shocked by the decision.
"Sounds to me like the president is trying to score cheap political points ... the next major international competition is two years away anyway," said one irate fan in Lagos, asking not to be named.
The NFF said it wanted Swedish coach Lars Lagerback, appointed on the eve of the finals, to stay and put together a wide-ranging programme to harness young talent.
The statement also said the federation disagreed with those claiming Nigerian soccer was in a dwindling state.
"No previous board has qualified Nigeria for all major tournaments internationally," the statement said.
The government instruction to withdraw could prompt sanctions from FIFA, who have taken a strong stand against political interference in the sport.
A FIFA spokesman said: "We have had no official information from the Nigerian FA about this case specifically but in general FIFA's policy towards political interference is well known. Our statutes do not allow for any political interference."
Nigerian sporting administrators have often been accused of corruption and incompetence and the federation was roundly criticised after sacking coach Shaibu Amodu in February, just four months before the World Cup finals.
Amodu was dismissed because Nigeria only managed to finish third at the Nations Cup finals in Angola in January.
Nigeria were banned by the Confederation of African Football in 1996 when then President Sani Abacha withdrew the team from the African Nations Cup finals in South Africa because he had been criticised by Nelson Mandela over the judicial execution of political opponents.
They could not compete in African competition for two years but were able to qualify for the 1998 World Cup in France.
The CAF refused to comment on the Nigerian president's decision when contacted on Wednesday.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Ice-T and Coco: Miami Beach Bums
Enjoying some quality time together, Ice-T and his wife Nicole “Coco” Austin were spotted hanging out on the beach in Miami on Sunday (June 27).
The “Law & Order SVU” actor and his curvy lady attracted plenty of paparazzi attention as they swam in the ocean and sunned themselves in the sand.
In related news, Ice-T has been named one of the voice actors in Epic Games’ third installment of the Gears of War trilogy.
Industry insider Cliff Bleszinki tweeted, “Ice won’t stop telling everyone about his role in Griffin in Gears 3.” Sounds like a pretty big deal!
Enjoy the pictures of Ice-T and Coco on the beach in Miami (June 27).
Article Pictures (Click To Enlarge):
The “Law & Order SVU” actor and his curvy lady attracted plenty of paparazzi attention as they swam in the ocean and sunned themselves in the sand.
In related news, Ice-T has been named one of the voice actors in Epic Games’ third installment of the Gears of War trilogy.
Industry insider Cliff Bleszinki tweeted, “Ice won’t stop telling everyone about his role in Griffin in Gears 3.” Sounds like a pretty big deal!
Enjoy the pictures of Ice-T and Coco on the beach in Miami (June 27).
Article Pictures (Click To Enlarge):
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Fat Joe: Accused of Sexual Assault
Looking to have landed himself in a troubling situation, Fat Joe was brought in for police questioning related to an alleged sexual assault in Wisconsin over the past weekend.
The hip-hop star and his crew are accused of groping a female fan following a concert in Madison on Sunday, though he was not charged and released after speaking with authorities.
According to NYDN reports, the 33-year-old accuser tells that she was invited into a Cadillac limo by Fat Joe and "at least one other man" - with plans to head back to their hotel.
The alleged victim ended up calling police at 12:45AM, telling that she was "inappropriately touched" during the course of the limo ride.
Denying any such actions, Fat Joe's lawyer, Dawn Florio, tells, "Rapper Joseph Cartagena, known as Fat Joe, members of his entourage and security staff were briefly questioned by members of the Madison, Wisconsin, Police Department who were investigating false allegations made by a woman who initially posed as a fan and later claimed to be the victim of an assault after demanding money. At no point did Mr. Cartagena or any member of his entourage assault or have any improper contact with the woman. It is truly unfortunate that false allegations such as these cause the public to doubt the claims of actual victims of sexual assaults."
Police tell that they are still looking into the matter at the current time.
The hip-hop star and his crew are accused of groping a female fan following a concert in Madison on Sunday, though he was not charged and released after speaking with authorities.
According to NYDN reports, the 33-year-old accuser tells that she was invited into a Cadillac limo by Fat Joe and "at least one other man" - with plans to head back to their hotel.
The alleged victim ended up calling police at 12:45AM, telling that she was "inappropriately touched" during the course of the limo ride.
Denying any such actions, Fat Joe's lawyer, Dawn Florio, tells, "Rapper Joseph Cartagena, known as Fat Joe, members of his entourage and security staff were briefly questioned by members of the Madison, Wisconsin, Police Department who were investigating false allegations made by a woman who initially posed as a fan and later claimed to be the victim of an assault after demanding money. At no point did Mr. Cartagena or any member of his entourage assault or have any improper contact with the woman. It is truly unfortunate that false allegations such as these cause the public to doubt the claims of actual victims of sexual assaults."
Police tell that they are still looking into the matter at the current time.
Beyonce and Jay-Z Celebrate Avenue Anniversary
They’re always up for a good time, and last night (June 23) Beyonce Knowles and her husband Jay-Z were spotted partying into the wee hours.
The “Crazy in Love” babe and her “99 Problems” hubby hit up club Avenue for the 1-year anniversary shindig, driving off in a custom Jeep Wrangler 4X4 after making their exit.
In related news, it seems Jay-Z hasn’t been very prompt with his payments to the luxury private jet company Air Platinum.
According to a report, he owes the company $130,000 from his unpaid account in 2009 and is yet to pay up.
Enjoy the pictures of Beyonce leaving Avenue with Jay-Z (June 23).
Article Pictures (Click To Enlarge):
The “Crazy in Love” babe and her “99 Problems” hubby hit up club Avenue for the 1-year anniversary shindig, driving off in a custom Jeep Wrangler 4X4 after making their exit.
In related news, it seems Jay-Z hasn’t been very prompt with his payments to the luxury private jet company Air Platinum.
According to a report, he owes the company $130,000 from his unpaid account in 2009 and is yet to pay up.
Enjoy the pictures of Beyonce leaving Avenue with Jay-Z (June 23).
Article Pictures (Click To Enlarge):
Katherine Jackson: Michael Feared For His Life
Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, and his mother Katherine says he was fearful for his life in the months before his demise.
The late King of Pop’s mom explained, “He told me several times that he felt that people wanted him gone, wanted him dead.”
She continued, "He would always say that. For him to say that, he must have known something. Some of the mean, vicious people didn't want him around for some reason. They're greedy."
Katherine added that she saw Michael about a week before he passed away. "We had a really good time together. I wanted to remember him smiling and laughing and having a good time the last time I saw him.”
Article Pictures (Click To Enlarge):
The late King of Pop’s mom explained, “He told me several times that he felt that people wanted him gone, wanted him dead.”
She continued, "He would always say that. For him to say that, he must have known something. Some of the mean, vicious people didn't want him around for some reason. They're greedy."
Katherine added that she saw Michael about a week before he passed away. "We had a really good time together. I wanted to remember him smiling and laughing and having a good time the last time I saw him.”
Article Pictures (Click To Enlarge):
Celebrity couples age gaps
Musician Paul Weller, who dare we say, is a little on the sexy-side, has just got engaged to a girl who is 27 years his junior. To see if we’re missing a trick on dating someone from a different decade (or generation in Paul’s case), we take a look at the showbiz pairings who haven’t let the years between them get in the way of romance…
Seal and Heidi Klum
Age Difference: 11 years
This pair are probably the most loved-up in Hollywood, they are always snapped locking lips and holding hands. With a wife as gorgeous and career-focused as Heidi, 36, you can see Seal’s logic of bagging a younger model
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Age difference: 16 years
Let’s hope it’s been a case of third time lucky for twice-divorced Tom, 47. Katie admitted she used to have posters of him on her wall when she was growing up – creepy or cute, you decide
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon
Age difference: 11 years
She’s not one to shy away from attention grabbing outfits and accessories and when Mariah, 40, wed Nick, things were no different. She had $2.5 million ring to seal the deal, but judging by her smiles it looks like having a younger man on her arm is her best accessory to date
Courtney Cox and David Arquette
Age difference: 7 years
For her cradle-snatching role in Cougar Town Courtney, 45, didn’t have to research the secrets to keeping a younger man - she’s had plenty of practice with her Scream co-star, David and 11 years into her marriage it looks like she’s nailed it
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore
Age difference: 15 years
Attention girls – you can be fabulous at nearly fifty. Demi Moore shows us exactly how with a to-die for figure, a great relationship with her ex and by dating a man who is possibly the most beautiful in Hollywood and just 32
Sam Taylor-Wood and Aaron Johnson
Age difference: 24 years
Go Sam! Not only has she broken into the male-dominated world of film directing, she’s also bagged herself a beautiful boy in the process, in the form of 19-year-old actor Aaron.The couple are now engaged and expecting their first child.
Seal and Heidi Klum
Age Difference: 11 years
This pair are probably the most loved-up in Hollywood, they are always snapped locking lips and holding hands. With a wife as gorgeous and career-focused as Heidi, 36, you can see Seal’s logic of bagging a younger model
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Age difference: 16 years
Let’s hope it’s been a case of third time lucky for twice-divorced Tom, 47. Katie admitted she used to have posters of him on her wall when she was growing up – creepy or cute, you decide
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon
Age difference: 11 years
She’s not one to shy away from attention grabbing outfits and accessories and when Mariah, 40, wed Nick, things were no different. She had $2.5 million ring to seal the deal, but judging by her smiles it looks like having a younger man on her arm is her best accessory to date
Courtney Cox and David Arquette
Age difference: 7 years
For her cradle-snatching role in Cougar Town Courtney, 45, didn’t have to research the secrets to keeping a younger man - she’s had plenty of practice with her Scream co-star, David and 11 years into her marriage it looks like she’s nailed it
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore
Age difference: 15 years
Attention girls – you can be fabulous at nearly fifty. Demi Moore shows us exactly how with a to-die for figure, a great relationship with her ex and by dating a man who is possibly the most beautiful in Hollywood and just 32
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Age difference: 12 years
It’s time we all accepted that Jennifer and Brad broke up, because it’s been five years since the split and, despite the rumours, Brad, 46 and his younger partner Ange are still very much together and they’ve good reason to stick at it – their six children for starters!
Age difference: 12 years
It’s time we all accepted that Jennifer and Brad broke up, because it’s been five years since the split and, despite the rumours, Brad, 46 and his younger partner Ange are still very much together and they’ve good reason to stick at it – their six children for starters!
Sam Taylor-Wood and Aaron Johnson
Age difference: 24 years
Go Sam! Not only has she broken into the male-dominated world of film directing, she’s also bagged herself a beautiful boy in the process, in the form of 19-year-old actor Aaron.The couple are now engaged and expecting their first child.
Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones
Age difference: 25 years
Catherine, 40, has it all; staggering career, amazing looks and a successful hubby, Michael, who used the pick-up line “I want to father your children,” when he first clapped eyes on the Welsh beauty. Even though he’s old enough to be her father, Catherine let his wish come true
Age difference: 25 years
Catherine, 40, has it all; staggering career, amazing looks and a successful hubby, Michael, who used the pick-up line “I want to father your children,” when he first clapped eyes on the Welsh beauty. Even though he’s old enough to be her father, Catherine let his wish come true
Monday, 21 June 2010
Air Nigeria to re-launch Benin City, Owerri routes
Air Nigeria to re-launch Benin City, Owerri routes
· By Kelvin Osa-Okunbor
· Published 19/06/2010 Unrated
Coming on the heels of the recent acquisition and injection of fresh funds into the newly re-branded Air Nigeria Development Limited, the former Virgin Nigeria is set to re-commence flight operations to the ancient city of Benin and Owerri in July.
This is in line with the new vision of the airline to connect every major city on its route network.
Announcing the scheduled recommencement of flight operations to towns, the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kinfe Kahassaye, noted that the objective of the new board of the airline is to fully integrate most major cities in Nigeria into its route network, especially now that the airline has the capacity to boost seamless travel of passengers across major cities in the country.
While noting that Air Nigeria is set to double its fleet size by acquiring five additional aircraft, Mr. Kahssaye said that the entire operation of the airline is currently undergoing a thorough re-engineering and review process, which will ultimately guide the airline in introducing the next generation fleet of aircraft.
The Chairman of Air Nigeria Development Limited, Barrister Jimoh Ibrahim, while unveiling the new brand name of the airline at a recent briefing, had noted that the company would be turned around in the shortest possible time, even as its identity reflects the rich cultural heritage and integrity of Nigeria .
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· By Kelvin Osa-Okunbor
· Published 19/06/2010 Unrated
Coming on the heels of the recent acquisition and injection of fresh funds into the newly re-branded Air Nigeria Development Limited, the former Virgin Nigeria is set to re-commence flight operations to the ancient city of Benin and Owerri in July.
This is in line with the new vision of the airline to connect every major city on its route network.
Announcing the scheduled recommencement of flight operations to towns, the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kinfe Kahassaye, noted that the objective of the new board of the airline is to fully integrate most major cities in Nigeria into its route network, especially now that the airline has the capacity to boost seamless travel of passengers across major cities in the country.
While noting that Air Nigeria is set to double its fleet size by acquiring five additional aircraft, Mr. Kahssaye said that the entire operation of the airline is currently undergoing a thorough re-engineering and review process, which will ultimately guide the airline in introducing the next generation fleet of aircraft.
The Chairman of Air Nigeria Development Limited, Barrister Jimoh Ibrahim, while unveiling the new brand name of the airline at a recent briefing, had noted that the company would be turned around in the shortest possible time, even as its identity reflects the rich cultural heritage and integrity of Nigeria .
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Irate Passenger Causes Panic On Air Nigeria Flight To Sokoto
Irate Passenger Causes Panic On Air Nigeria Flight To Sokoto
•Forces Aircraft To Return To Abuja
By Abel Orukpe, Correspondent, Lagos
An irate passenger on Air Nigeria flight VK041 bound for Sokoto on Monday caused panic among the passengers who were on board, a situation which forced the aircraft to return to Abuja. where the flight originated from.
The male passenger, our correspondent learnt, was screaming that he should be allowed to alight from the aircraft immediately.
Our correspondent gathered that the aircraft was taxiing to take off when the enraged passenger became restive and began to scream that he wanted to alight from the aircraft and that efforts by air hostesses on board the aircraft to calm him down proved abortive.
The pilot was said to have taken the aircraft to Abuja, where the passenger was handed over to the security agents at the Abuja airport.
Director General of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Dr. Harold Demuren, who was playing host to the World Bank Supervision Mission to Nigeria at the Aviation House, confirmed the incident, adding that the airline followed the rule as spelt out in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
Said he: “I am happy that the airline has got standard operating procedure; SOP must be followed and I am happy the airline did the right thing. They tried to calm the passenger down but he became restive and what did they do? They felt that they could not continue with the passenger on the trip. After everything was sorted out, the aircraft returned to base. It was Virgin Nigeria.”
He added that since safety was paramount in air transport, the NCAA and other security agencies had to track the passenger’s baggage to ensure that nothing was dropped in the aircraft.
“I was very happy the way it was handled. The aircraft was almost taxiing off and immediately it returned to base and security operatives moved to place and took the passenger.”
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•Forces Aircraft To Return To Abuja
By Abel Orukpe, Correspondent, Lagos
An irate passenger on Air Nigeria flight VK041 bound for Sokoto on Monday caused panic among the passengers who were on board, a situation which forced the aircraft to return to Abuja. where the flight originated from.
The male passenger, our correspondent learnt, was screaming that he should be allowed to alight from the aircraft immediately.
Our correspondent gathered that the aircraft was taxiing to take off when the enraged passenger became restive and began to scream that he wanted to alight from the aircraft and that efforts by air hostesses on board the aircraft to calm him down proved abortive.
The pilot was said to have taken the aircraft to Abuja, where the passenger was handed over to the security agents at the Abuja airport.
Director General of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Dr. Harold Demuren, who was playing host to the World Bank Supervision Mission to Nigeria at the Aviation House, confirmed the incident, adding that the airline followed the rule as spelt out in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
Said he: “I am happy that the airline has got standard operating procedure; SOP must be followed and I am happy the airline did the right thing. They tried to calm the passenger down but he became restive and what did they do? They felt that they could not continue with the passenger on the trip. After everything was sorted out, the aircraft returned to base. It was Virgin Nigeria.”
He added that since safety was paramount in air transport, the NCAA and other security agencies had to track the passenger’s baggage to ensure that nothing was dropped in the aircraft.
“I was very happy the way it was handled. The aircraft was almost taxiing off and immediately it returned to base and security operatives moved to place and took the passenger.”
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Air Nigeria unveils first re-branded aircraft
Air Nigeria unveils first re-branded aircraft
By Okechukwu Nnodim
June 17, 2010 02:25AM
Nigeria’s flag carrier, Air Nigeria, on Wednesday in Lagos formally made public its first re-branded aircraft.
Unveiling the airplane on the tarmac of the new domestic terminal, Murtala Mohammed International 2 (MMA2), the management of the carrier told aviation correspondents that the new name will be on all its fleet in due course.
“We told you a week ago that the aircraft will arrive and to the glory of God, we have it here, this is the first aircraft that will be named Air Nigeria and this is to demonstrate how far we are progressing in the turn-around,” said Jimoh Ibrahim, group managing director for the airline.
Congratulating Nigerians on the feat, Mr. Ibrahim promised that the rebranded Nigerian Eagle Airline, formerly known as Virgin Nigeria, that is now Air Nigeria has come to stay, adding that more aeroplanes are going to be added to the airline’s fleet.
“I can assure that on this project, I am committed and I want to congratulate Nigerians for having an airline of their own that they can be proud of. Whether you like it or not, it has come to stay, I have no apology for anyone that doesn’t like it,” he said.
“More aircraft will start coming in from now, we expect the arrival of two aircraft in the livery of Air Nigeria in the next 15 days, thereafter another four will arrive and then we will have a dozen aircraft by the 1st of October; and by then we would have finished with the first phase of the turnaround, we will then move to Human resources.”
Early this month, Air Nigeria at a briefing held at its headquarters in Lagos, disclosed that the new name of its carrier became necessary in order to make the airline fully indigenous, adding that the change was effected sequel to the resolution of the board on May 14, and that the name has been approved by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and has been registered with a certificate number RC501975.
Indebtedness to banks
On the airline’s debt with Guarantee Trust Bank, the NICON group boss disclosed that Air Nigeria has cleared all that it owed the financial institution, and that the case in court has been closed.
“On GTB, I am sure that you know that the issue has been rested, but don’t ask how it was rested, that is the job of the turnaround. That has come to an end, all those unwanted criticism that GTB is a problem will not happen.
“The GTB case is dead and it has been discontinued, for what we did was to pay after having a meeting; we did not restructure the debt, we fully discharged the debt and we are not indebted to Guarantee Trust to one Kobo again,” said Mr. Ibrahim.
The airline’s boss promised that its indebtedness to another bank in the country will be cleared shortly, adding that loans are necessary for a company’s survival.
“We are dealing with two banks, we’ve paid one, the other one will get its pay in the next two weeks, for we are to pay them hundred per cent and they will give us a letter of non-indebtedness and their debt will become zero,” he said “It is not as if you should not take loans, you can take it and then pay back, we will still take more loans but we want to know the capacity of paying back what we have taken.”
By Okechukwu Nnodim
June 17, 2010 02:25AM
Nigeria’s flag carrier, Air Nigeria, on Wednesday in Lagos formally made public its first re-branded aircraft.
Unveiling the airplane on the tarmac of the new domestic terminal, Murtala Mohammed International 2 (MMA2), the management of the carrier told aviation correspondents that the new name will be on all its fleet in due course.
“We told you a week ago that the aircraft will arrive and to the glory of God, we have it here, this is the first aircraft that will be named Air Nigeria and this is to demonstrate how far we are progressing in the turn-around,” said Jimoh Ibrahim, group managing director for the airline.
Congratulating Nigerians on the feat, Mr. Ibrahim promised that the rebranded Nigerian Eagle Airline, formerly known as Virgin Nigeria, that is now Air Nigeria has come to stay, adding that more aeroplanes are going to be added to the airline’s fleet.
“I can assure that on this project, I am committed and I want to congratulate Nigerians for having an airline of their own that they can be proud of. Whether you like it or not, it has come to stay, I have no apology for anyone that doesn’t like it,” he said.
“More aircraft will start coming in from now, we expect the arrival of two aircraft in the livery of Air Nigeria in the next 15 days, thereafter another four will arrive and then we will have a dozen aircraft by the 1st of October; and by then we would have finished with the first phase of the turnaround, we will then move to Human resources.”
Early this month, Air Nigeria at a briefing held at its headquarters in Lagos, disclosed that the new name of its carrier became necessary in order to make the airline fully indigenous, adding that the change was effected sequel to the resolution of the board on May 14, and that the name has been approved by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and has been registered with a certificate number RC501975.
Indebtedness to banks
On the airline’s debt with Guarantee Trust Bank, the NICON group boss disclosed that Air Nigeria has cleared all that it owed the financial institution, and that the case in court has been closed.
“On GTB, I am sure that you know that the issue has been rested, but don’t ask how it was rested, that is the job of the turnaround. That has come to an end, all those unwanted criticism that GTB is a problem will not happen.
“The GTB case is dead and it has been discontinued, for what we did was to pay after having a meeting; we did not restructure the debt, we fully discharged the debt and we are not indebted to Guarantee Trust to one Kobo again,” said Mr. Ibrahim.
The airline’s boss promised that its indebtedness to another bank in the country will be cleared shortly, adding that loans are necessary for a company’s survival.
“We are dealing with two banks, we’ve paid one, the other one will get its pay in the next two weeks, for we are to pay them hundred per cent and they will give us a letter of non-indebtedness and their debt will become zero,” he said “It is not as if you should not take loans, you can take it and then pay back, we will still take more loans but we want to know the capacity of paying back what we have taken.”
what I think:
I can call it the renaissance of a country’s airline… or a way out for the Nigerian community both home / in the Diaspora.
Nigeria airways, the former Nigerian airline saw it’s death during the reign and leadership of the former and 3 times elected president Olusegun Obasanjo, followed up by many other manufacturing companies in Nigeria, importation of goods to the country suffered its own dilemma, now with the renaissance of the Air Nigeria, I think Nigerians out there have a road back home and Nigeria as a country if not Giant Of Africa is relegated enough to be without an airline.
Nigeria airways, the former Nigerian airline saw it’s death during the reign and leadership of the former and 3 times elected president Olusegun Obasanjo, followed up by many other manufacturing companies in Nigeria, importation of goods to the country suffered its own dilemma, now with the renaissance of the Air Nigeria, I think Nigerians out there have a road back home and Nigeria as a country if not Giant Of Africa is relegated enough to be without an airline.
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